PDF Form

Definitions for access to PDF form.
Definitions and functions in this module are included in fpdf_form_r.h and fpdf_form_w.h.
Module: PDFForm
License Identifier: PDFForm/All
Available License Right: Reading/Writing
For License Right Reading, see fpdf_form_r.h.
For License Right Writing, see fpdf_form_w.h.


struct  FSPDF_FORM
 Handle type to PDF form. More...
 Handle type to PDF form control (widget). More...
 Structure for list box and combo box option only. More...
 Handle type to PDF form filler. More...
 Structure for windowless form interaction information. More...
 Structure for javascript event. More...


 Check if the document has a Acro form. More...
 Retrieve a form handle for a specific document. More...
 Release a PDF interactive form object. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_GetDocument (FSPDF_FORM form, FSCRT_DOCUMENT *document)
 Retrieve a PDF document which owns the form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_CountFields (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *filter, FS_INT32 *count)
 Get count of fields satisfying a name filter in a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_GetField (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *filter, FS_INT32 index, FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 *fieldType)
 Search and retrieve the name and type of a field satisfying a name filter in a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_GetControlAtPos (FSPDF_FORM form, FSCRT_PAGE page, FS_FLOAT x, FS_FLOAT y, FS_FLOAT tolerance, FS_INT32 typeFilter, FSPDF_FORMCONTROL *formControl)
 Search for form control at a specific position in a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_GetControlAtDevicePos (FSPDF_FORM form, FSCRT_PAGE page, const FSCRT_MATRIX *matrix, FS_INT32 x, FS_INT32 y, FS_FLOAT tolerance, FS_INT32 typeFilter, FSPDF_FORMCONTROL *formControl)
 Search for form control which locates at a specific device position in a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_GetDefaultAppearance (FSPDF_FORM form, FSPDF_DEFAULTAPPEARANCE *defAppearance)
 Retrieve a default appearance of form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_GetAlignment (FSPDF_FORM form, FS_INT32 *alignment)
 Retrieve alignment property of a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_NeedConstructAppearances (FSPDF_FORM form, FS_BOOL *needConstruct)
 Retrieve a boolean value whether or not to construct appearance property of a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_ValidateFieldName (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *newFieldName, FS_INT32 fieldType, FS_BOOL *validate)
 Check if a name is valid for specified type of field in a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_GetFieldsInCalculationOrder (FSPDF_FORM form, FSCRT_BSTR *fieldNames, FS_DWORD *count)
 Get fields in a form in calculation order. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_CountActions (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 trigger, FS_INT32 *count)
 Retrieve count of actions associated with a field and a trigger type in a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetAction (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 trigger, FS_INT32 index, FSPDF_ACTIONDATA *actionData)
 Retrieve action associated with a field and a trigger type at a specified index in a form. More...
 Helper function to initialize options. More...
 Helper function to clear options. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetAlignment (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 *alignment)
 Get alignment type of a field's text. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetFlags (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_DWORD *flags)
 Get flags specifying various characteristics of the field. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetType (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 *fieldType)
 Get field type. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetDefaultValue (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FSCRT_BSTR *value)
 Get default value of a field. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetValue (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FSCRT_BSTR *value)
 Get value of a field. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_CountControls (FSPDF_FORM form, FSCRT_PAGE page, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 *count)
 Get count of controls in a PDF page which belongs to specified fields. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetControl (FSPDF_FORM form, FSCRT_PAGE page, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 index, FSPDF_FORMCONTROL *formControl)
 Get a form control which belongs to the specified fields. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetControlIndex (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSPDF_FORMCONTROL formControl, FS_INT32 *index)
 Get index of the form control which belongs to the specified fields. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetDefaultAppearance (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FSPDF_DEFAULTAPPEARANCE *defAppearance)
 Get default appearance of specified fields. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetAlternateName (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FSCRT_BSTR *alternateName)
 Get alternate name to be used in place of actual field name. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetMappingName (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FSCRT_BSTR *mappingName)
 Get mapping name to be used when exporting interactive form field data from the document. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetMaxLen (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 *maxLen)
 Get maximum length of the field's text, in characters. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetOptions (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FSPDF_CHOICEOPTION *options, FS_INT32 *count)
 Get list box or combo box options. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetTopVisibleIndex (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 *index)
 Get top index for scrollable list boxes. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_GetWidgetAnnot (FSPDF_FORMCONTROL formControl, FSCRT_ANNOT *widgetAnnot)
 Get widget annotation from form control handle. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_GetFieldName (FSPDF_FORMCONTROL formControl, FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName)
 Get field name from form control handle. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_GetExportValue (FSPDF_FORMCONTROL formControl, FSCRT_BSTR *exportValue)
 Get option's export value. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_IsChecked (FSPDF_FORMCONTROL formControl, FS_BOOL *checked)
 Get check box or radio button's state. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_IsDefaultChecked (FSPDF_FORMCONTROL formControl, FS_BOOL *checked)
 Get check box or radio button's default state. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_StartFormControls (FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT pdfRenderContext, FSCRT_RENDERER renderer, const FSPDF_FORMCONTROL *formControls, FS_INT32 count, FSCRT_PROGRESS *renderProgress)
 Start rendering a PDF form control in a renderer with a PDF rendering context. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_StartPageFormControls (FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT pdfRenderContext, FSCRT_RENDERER renderer, FSCRT_PAGE page, FSCRT_PROGRESS *renderProgress)
 Start rendering a page's form controls in a renderer with a PDF rendering context. More...
 Create an arco form. More...
 Export data in a form to a FDF document. More...
 Import data in FDF document to fill a form. More...
 Export the form data to a XML file. More...
 Import the form data from a XML file. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_Reset (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldNames, FS_INT32 count, FS_BOOL bInclude)
 Reset data in fields to their default value. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_SetDefaultAppearance (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSPDF_DEFAULTAPPEARANCE *defAppearance)
 Set default appearance of a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_SetAlignment (FSPDF_FORM form, FS_INT32 alignment)
 Set alignment property of a form, as a document-wide default value. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_SetConstructAppearancesFlag (FSPDF_FORM form, FS_BOOL needConstruct)
 Set a flag that specifies whether to construct appearances when loading form controls. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_RenameField (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, const FSCRT_BSTR *newFieldName)
 Rename a field to a new name. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_SetFieldsInCalculationOrder (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldNames, FS_DWORD count)
 Set calculation order in a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_AddField (FSPDF_FORM form, FSCRT_PAGE page, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 fieldType, FSCRT_RECTF *rect, FSPDF_FORMCONTROL *formControl)
 Add a form field to arco form, and also create a new form control with the field. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_RemoveField (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName)
 Remove a form field from arco form. More...
 Begin the form filling. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormFiller_TriggerWindowlessEvent (FSPDF_FORMFILLER filler, FSCRT_PAGE page, FSCRT_MATRIX *page2Device, FS_DWORD eventType, FS_LPVOID eventData)
 Trigger the platform event for the windowless form filling. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormFiller_SetHighlightColor (FSPDF_FORMFILLER filler, FS_INT32 fieldType, FS_ARGB color)
 Set the highlight color for the form field. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormFiller_ShowHighlight (FSPDF_FORMFILLER filler, FS_BOOL show)
 Whether to show the highlight of form field or not. More...
 Finish the form filling. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetAction (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 trigger, FS_INT32 index, const FSPDF_ACTIONDATA *actionData)
 Update an action associated with a field (except signature field) and a trigger type at a specified index in a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_InsertAction (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 trigger, FS_INT32 index, const FSPDF_ACTIONDATA *actionData)
 Insert an action associated with a field (except signature field) and a trigger type at a specified index in a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_RemoveAction (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 trigger, FS_INT32 index)
 Remove an action associated with a field (except signature field) and a trigger type by index in a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_RemoveAllActions (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 trigger)
 Remove all actions associated with a field (except signature field) and a trigger type in a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_RemoveControl (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FSPDF_FORMCONTROL formControl)
 Remove a form control from a form field. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_ValidateValue (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, const FSCRT_BSTR *value, FS_BOOL *isValid)
 Perform the form field javascript to validate whether the user input value is valid. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_ValidateKeyStroke (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, const FSCRT_BSTR *value, FS_BOOL *isValid)
 Perform the form field javascript to validate whether the input of key stroke is valid. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_ValidateKeyStrokeEvent (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FSPDF_JAVASCRIPTEVENT *jsEvent)
 Perform the form field javascript to validate whether the input of key stroke is valid. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_Calculate (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName)
 Perform the form field javascript to calculate the values of form fields. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_Format (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_BOOL *isFormated)
 Perform the form field javascript to format the values of form fields. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetAlignment (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 alignment)
 Set alignment property of the field's text, only useful for text field and list box. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetFlags (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_DWORD flags)
 Set flags specifying various characteristics of the field (except signature field). More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetDefaultValue (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, const FSCRT_BSTR *value)
 Set default value of the field (except signature field). More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetValue (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, const FSCRT_BSTR *value)
 Set value of a field (except signature field). More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetDefaultAppearance (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, const FSPDF_DEFAULTAPPEARANCE *defAppearance)
 Set default appearance to the specified field (except signature field). More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetAlternateName (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, const FSCRT_BSTR *alternateName)
 Set alternate name to be used in place of the actual field (except signature field) name. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetMappingName (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, const FSCRT_BSTR *mappingName)
 Set mapping name to be used when exporting interactive form field data from the document (except signature field). More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetMaxLen (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 maxLen)
 Set maximum length of the field's text (except signature field), in characters. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetOptions (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, const FSPDF_CHOICEOPTION *options, FS_INT32 count)
 Set list box or combo box options. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetTopVisibleIndex (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 index)
 Set top index for scrollable list boxes. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_SetExportValue (FSPDF_FORMCONTROL formControl, const FSCRT_BSTR *exportValue)
 Set option's export value. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_SetChecked (FSPDF_FORMCONTROL formControl, FS_BOOL checked)
 Set check box or radio button's state. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_SetDefaultChecked (FSPDF_FORMCONTROL formControl, FS_BOOL checked)
 Set check box or radio button's default state. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_DoJavaScriptAction (FSPDF_FORMCONTROL control, FS_INT32 trigger)
 Perform the form control javascript which is specified by the trigger. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_ValidateValueEvent (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FSPDF_JAVASCRIPTEVENT *jsEvent)
 Perform the form field javascript to validate whether the user input value is valid. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_FormatEvent (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FSPDF_JAVASCRIPTEVENT *jsEvent)
 Perform the form field javascript to format the values of form fields. More...

Macro Definitions for Form Field Types.

 Unknown type.
 Push button type.
 Check box type.
 Radio button type.
 Combo box type.
 List box type.
 single line or multi-line texts.
 Unspecified type.

Macro Definitions for Form Field Flags.

 The field is read only and no editing is allowed.
 The field is required when submit.
 The field must not be exported by a submit-form action.

Macro Definitions for Radio Button Field Flags.

 Unable to turn this radio button off. More...
 Put radio buttons with same value in unison. More...

Macro Definitions for Text Field Flags.

 Multiple lines.
 This is a password field. Password should not be displayed or exported.
 Never show scroll bar. More...
 Use combs. More...

Macro Definitions for Combo Box Field Flags.

 Combo box style. More...

Macro Definitions for List Box Field Flags.

 If set, more than one items can be selected.

Detailed Description

Definitions for access to PDF form.
Definitions and functions in this module are included in fpdf_form_r.h and fpdf_form_w.h.
Module: PDFForm
License Identifier: PDFForm/All
Available License Right: Reading/Writing
For License Right Reading, see fpdf_form_r.h.
For License Right Writing, see fpdf_form_w.h.

This module contains following features:

Macro Definition Documentation


Unable to turn this radio button off.

For radio button only: if set, one radio button has to be selected at any time; Otherwise, when the selected radio button is clicked, it will be turned off, (leaving no radio button selected at this time).


Put radio buttons with same value in unison.

If set, radio buttons with same value in a field will be turned on or off in unison (either all one, or all off). If cleared, all buttons are mutually exclusive.


Combo box style.

If set, the combo box includes an editable text control, otherwise, it is only a drop list.


Use combs.

If set, the field is automatically divided into as many equally spaced positions, or combs, as the value of maximum length of a field's text, and the text is laid out into those combs.


Never show scroll bar.

Do not scroll (vertically for multiple-line fields, or horizontally for single-line fields). If the field is full, no further text is accepted.

Function Documentation


Helper function to clear options.

[in]optionsPointer to a FSPDF_CHOICEOPTION structure which is for list box and combo box,
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter options is NULL.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
This helper function is used to clear options.
It frees FSPDF_CHOICEOPTION::optionValue and FSPDF_CHOICEOPTION::optionLabel and set them to be NULL pointer.
Application can free a FSPDF_CHOICEOPTION as another way instead of calling this function.
Thread Safety: this function is not thread safe, do not call it to process same objects between multi-threads, or application should maintain thread safety when need process same objects under multi-threaded environments.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.

Helper function to initialize options.

[in]optionsPointer to a FSPDF_CHOICEOPTION structure which is for list box and combo box.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter options is NULL.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
This helper function is used to initialize options.
It sets FSPDF_CHOICEOPTION::optionValue and FSPDF_CHOICEOPTION::optionLabel empty, and sets FSPDF_CHOICEOPTION::selected and FSPDF_CHOICEOPTION::defaultSelected FALSE
. Application can initialize a FSPDF_CHOICEOPTION as another way instead of calling this function.
Thread Safety: this function is not thread safe, do not call it to process the same object between multi-threads, or application should maintain thread safety when need process same objects under multi-threaded environment.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Doc_CreateForm ( FSCRT_DOCUMENT  document,
FSPDF_FORM *  form 

Create an arco form.

If a PDF document already has an arco form, this function will return the existed acro form object directly – same as function FSPDF_Form_Load.

[in]documentHandle to a FSCRT_DOCUMENT object which is a PDF document object. It should be valid.
[out]formPointer to a FSPDF_FORM handle that receives a form object.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter document, or form is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDLICENSE if current license is not authorized or access to PDF form is not allowed.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter document is not a type of PDF document.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
  • document: this handle is long-term recoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_BOOL hasForm 

Check if the document has a Acro form.

[in]documentHandle to a FSCRT_DOCUMENT object which is a PDF document.
[out]hasFormPointer to a FS_BOOL object that receives the result.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter document, or hasForm is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDLICENSE if current license is not authorized or access to PDF form is not allowed.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter document is not a type of PDF document.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
  • document: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32  fieldType,

Add a form field to arco form, and also create a new form control with the field.

Application can use this function to add a form field to acro from, along with a new form control:

  • If the form field exists, a new form control will be created and set to the field.
  • If the form field does not exist, the field will be created according to parameter fieldName and fieldType and added to acro form, along with a newly created form control.

Whether a field exists or not will be judged with input parameter fieldName and fieldType.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a document object. It should be valid.
[in]pageHandle to a FSCRT_PAGE object which is a PDF page object.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which specifies the name of the form field which is to be added. It should be a UTF-8 string.
[in]fieldTypeA FS_INT32 object which specifies the type of the form field which is to be added. Please refer to macro definitions FSPDF_FORMFIELDTYPE_XXX and this should be one of these macros except FSPDF_FORMFIELDTYPE_UNKNOWN and FSPDF_FORMFIELDTYPE_UNSPECIFIED.
[in]rectPointer to a FSCRT_RECTF structure which indicates the location to add a new form control for the form field, in PDF page coordinate system.
[out]formControlPointer to a FSPDF_FORMCONTROL handle that receives the newly created form control handle. It will be NULL if there is any error.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDLICENSE if current license is not authorized or access to PDF form is not allowed.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form is NULL, page is NULL, fieldName is invalid, rect is invalid, or formControl is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNSUPPORTED if parameter fieldType is unsupported.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_FORMAT if parameter fieldName is not in UTF-8 format.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNKNOWNSTATE if annotations of parameter page have not been loaded.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_CONFLICT if there exists a field with same name but in different type.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if some other error happen.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • page: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • formControl: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_CountFields ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR filter,
FS_INT32 count 

Get count of fields satisfying a name filter in a form.

It will count all fields if parameter filter is NULL.
[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]filterPointer to a string which partially matches with the name of fields. It can be NULL.
[out]countPointer to a FS_INT32 object that receives the count of fields.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, or count is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.

Export data in a form to a FDF document.

Currently, it can support traditional FDF and XFDF files format.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fdfDocHandle to a FSCRT_DOCUMENT object which is a FDF document object.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form or fdfDoc is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter fdfDoc is not a type of FDF document.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDLICENSE if current license is not authorized or access to PDF form is not allowed.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • fdfDoc: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FSCRT_FILE  xmlFile 

Export the form data to a XML file.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]xmlFileHandle to a FSCRT_FILE object, to which form data is to be exported.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form or xmlFile is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDLICENSE if current license is not authorized or access to PDF form is not allowed.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if failing to export a XML file because of any other reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term partially recoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • xmlFile: this handle is long-term recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_GetAlignment ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
FS_INT32 alignment 

Retrieve alignment property of a form.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[out]alignmentPointer to a FS_INT32 object to receive the alignment property. It would be one of the following macro definitions:
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, or alignment is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_GetControlAtDevicePos ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_MATRIX matrix,
FS_INT32  x,
FS_INT32  y,
FS_FLOAT  tolerance,
FS_INT32  typeFilter,

Search for form control which locates at a specific device position in a form.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]pageHandle to a FSPDF_PAGE object which is a PDF page object.
[in]matrixPointer to a FSCRT_MATRIX structure that specifies the transform matrix returned by function FSPDF_Page_GetMatrix.
[in]xA FS_FLOAT which specifies the x-coordinate in device for the search position.
[in]yA FS_FLOAT which specifies the y-coordinate in device for the search position.
[in]toleranceA FS_FLOAT which specifies the offset tolerance of the search.
[in]typeFilterA FS_INT32 to specify which type of form control to search. Please refer to macro definitions FSPDF_FORMFIELDTYPE_XXX and this should be one of these macros. If it is FSPDF_FORMFIELDTYPE_UNSPECIFIED, the first form control at the specific position in a page will be retrieved.
[out]formControlPointer to a FSPDF_FORMCONTROL handle that receives the handle to the control when the search is successful.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, page, matrix, or formControl is NULL, or typeFilter is invalid.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter page is not a type of PDF page or form and page are different document objects.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNKNOWNSTATE if annotations in parameter page are not loaded.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no form control is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • page: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • formControl: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_GetControlAtPos ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
FS_FLOAT  tolerance,
FS_INT32  typeFilter,

Search for form control at a specific position in a form.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]pageHandle to a FSPDF_PAGE object which is a PDF page.
[in]xA FS_FLOAT which is the x position in PDF page coordinate.
[in]yA FS_FLOAT which is the y position in PDF page coordinate.
[in]toleranceA FS_FLOAT which specifies the tolerance of the search.
[in]typeFilterA FS_INT32 to specify which type of form control to search.
Please refer to macro definitions FSPDF_FORMFIELDTYPE_XXX and this should be one of these macros. If it is FSPDF_FORMFIELDTYPE_UNSPECIFIED, the first form control at the specific position in a page will be retrieved.
[out]formControlPointer to a FSPDF_FORMCONTROL handle that receives a form control when the search is successful.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, page or formControl, is NULL, or typeFilter is invalid.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter page is not a PDF page or form and page are in different documents.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNKNOWNSTATE if annotations in parameter page are not loaded.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no form control is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • page: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • formControl: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_GetDefaultAppearance ( FSPDF_FORM  form,

Retrieve a default appearance of form.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[out]defAppearancePointer to a FSPDF_DEFAULTAPPEARANCE structure that receives the default appearance.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, or defAppearance is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_GetDocument ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
FSCRT_DOCUMENT *  document 

Retrieve a PDF document which owns the form.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[out]documentPointer to a FSCRT_DOCUMENT handle that receives a PDF document.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, or document is NULL.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • document: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
const FSCRT_BSTR filter,
FS_INT32  index,
FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32 fieldType 

Search and retrieve the name and type of a field satisfying a name filter in a form.

It will get a form field from all fields with specific index if filter is NULL.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]filterPointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which partially matches the name of fields. It can be NULL. For example, text1 will match text1.0, text1.2.0, etc. but text1 will not match test10 or test11.1..
[in]indexA FS_INT32 to specify which field to retrieve information in the filtered results.
[out]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure that receives the name of the result field.
[out]fieldTypePointer to a FS_INT32 object that receives the type of the result field.
Please refer to macro definitions FSPDF_FORMFIELDTYPE_XXX and this would be one of these macros.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName, or fieldType is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if parameter index is out of range.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_GetFieldsInCalculationOrder ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
FSCRT_BSTR fieldNames,
FS_DWORD count 

Get fields in a form in calculation order.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[out]fieldNamesPointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which is an array to hold field names in order.
[in,out]countPointer to a FS_DWORD object. When fieldNames is NULL, count will receive the actual field count in the calculation order.
When fieldNames is not NULL, count represents the length of fieldNames and has to be no less than the actual field count in calculation. It will also receive the actual field count.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, or count is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_BUFFEROVERFLOW if parameter fieldNames is valid but count is smaller than required.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Commonly, this function is called twice. First, pass NULL to fieldNames to retrieve necessary array size, call it again when fieldNames contains enough space. count should never be empty.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.

Import data in FDF document to fill a form.

Currently, it can support traditional FDF and XFDF files format.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fdfDocHandle to a FSCRT_DOCUMENT object which is a FDF document object.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form or fdfDoc is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter fdfDoc is not a type of FDF document.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDLICENSE if current license is not authorized or access to PDF form is not allowed.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • fdfDoc: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FSCRT_FILE  xmlFile 

Import the form data from a XML file.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]xmlFileHandle to a FSCRT_FILE object, from which form data is to be imported.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form or xmlFile is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDLICENSE if current license is not authorized or access to PDF form is not allowed.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if failing to import a XML file because of any other reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term partially recoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • xmlFile: this handle is long-term recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FSPDF_FORM *  form 

Retrieve a form handle for a specific document.

[in]pdfDocHandle to a FSCRT_DOCUMENT object which is a PDF document.
[out]formPointer to a FSPDF_FORM handle that receives a form object.
If annotations have been loaded before this function is called, functions in PDF Form module cannot work correctly.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter pdfDoc, or form is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDLICENSE if current license is not authorized or access to PDF form is not allowed.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter pdfDoc is not a type of PDF document.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if there is no form in the document. FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
  • pdfDoc: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_NeedConstructAppearances ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
FS_BOOL needConstruct 

Retrieve a boolean value whether or not to construct appearance property of a form.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[out]needConstructPointer to a FS_BOOL object that specifies whether or not to construct appearances when load form controls. TRUE if need, FALSE if not.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, or needConstruct is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_Release ( FSPDF_FORM  form)

Release a PDF interactive form object.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form is NULL.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is not thread safe. Do not call it to process same objects between multi-threads, or the application should maintain thread safety when it needs to process the same object under multi-threaded environment.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_RemoveField ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName 

Remove a form field from arco form.

If the form field appears on more than one PDF page, all representations will be removed.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a document object. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which specifies the name of form field which is to be removed. It should be a UTF-8 string.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDLICENSE if current license is not authorized or access to PDF form is not allowed.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form is NULL, or fieldName is invalid.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_FORMAT if parameter fieldName is not in UTF-8 format.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if some other error happen.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
After a form field has been removed, indexes of other form fields will be changed.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_RenameField ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
const FSCRT_BSTR newFieldName 

Rename a field to a new name.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure that specifies the field to rename.
[in]newFieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure that represents the name to check.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName or newFieldName is a NULL pointer, or fieldName or newFieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no parameter fieldName is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_CONFLICT if parameter newFieldName is same with an existing form field and the type of existing form field is different from the one specified by fieldName.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
It will change the field's index to rename a form field.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldNames,
FS_INT32  count,
FS_BOOL  bInclude 

Reset data in fields to their default value.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamesPointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure array, whose elements are field names to include or exclude.
[in]countArray length of parameter fieldNames.
[in]bIncludeA FS_BOOL that specifies whether to include the fields in the resetting. TRUE if include, FALSE if exclude.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
If parameter fieldNames is NULL or count is invalid. The function will reset whole form according to parameter includeOrExclude value.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_SetAlignment ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
FS_INT32  alignment 

Set alignment property of a form, as a document-wide default value.

Alignment is a property of variable text. And it is only useful for text field and list box, which may contain variable text as their content.
If a specific text field or list box has its own alignment value, the document-wide default one will be ignored; otherwise, the document-wide default one will be used for the specific text field or list box.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]alignmentThe new default alignment type of variable text. It should be one of the following macro definitions:
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_SetConstructAppearancesFlag ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
FS_BOOL  needConstruct 

Set a flag that specifies whether to construct appearances when loading form controls.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]needConstructA FS_BOOL that specifies whether to construct appearances when loading form controls. TRUE if need, FALSE if not.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_SetDefaultAppearance ( FSPDF_FORM  form,

Set default appearance of a form.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]defAppearancePointer to a FSPDF_DEFAULTAPPEARANCE structure to update the default appearance.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form or defAppearance is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_SetFieldsInCalculationOrder ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldNames,
FS_DWORD  count 

Set calculation order in a form.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamesPointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents an array consisting of the field names to form a new calculation order.
[in]countThe length of fieldNames.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form or fieldNames is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_ValidateFieldName ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR newFieldName,
FS_INT32  fieldType,
FS_BOOL validate 

Check if a name is valid for specified type of field in a form.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]newFieldNamePointer to a new field name string, it should be a valid pointer to FSCRT_BSTR which represents the name to check.
[in]fieldTypeA FS_INT32 object which specifies a field type this name is intended for. Please refer to macro definitions FSPDF_FORMFIELDTYPE_XXX and this should be one of these macros.
[out]validatePointer to a FS_BOOL object that receives the result of the check.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, newFieldName, or validate is NULL, newFieldName is empty, or fieldType is invalid.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_DoJavaScriptAction ( FSPDF_FORMCONTROL  control,
FS_INT32  trigger 

Perform the form control javascript which is specified by the trigger.

[in]controlHandle to a FSPDF_FORMCONTROL object which is a form control object. It should be valid.
[in]triggerType of the trigger event. Please refer to macro definitions FSPDF_TRIGGER_ANNOT_XXX and it should be one of these macro definitions.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter control is a NULL pointer, or trigger is invalid.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Parameter trigger should be one of preceding six macros of definitions FSPDF_TRIGGER_ANNOT_XXX. This function may fail with others.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • control: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_GetExportValue ( FSPDF_FORMCONTROL  formControl,
FSCRT_BSTR exportValue 

Get option's export value.

Applicable for CheckBox and RadioButton fields

[in]formControlHandle to a FSPDF_FORMCONTROL object which is a PDF form control.
[out]exportValuePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure that receives the option's export value.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter formControl, or exportValue is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no export value is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter formControl is not a type of check box or radio button.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • formControl: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_GetFieldName ( FSPDF_FORMCONTROL  formControl,
FSCRT_BSTR fieldName 

Get field name from form control handle.

[in]formControlHandle to a FSPDF_FORMCONTROL object which is a PDF form control.
[out]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure that receives field name. It should not be NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter formControl, or fieldName is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • formControl: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_GetWidgetAnnot ( FSPDF_FORMCONTROL  formControl,
FSCRT_ANNOT *  widgetAnnot 

Get widget annotation from form control handle.

[in]formControlHandle to a FSPDF_FORMCONTROL object which is a PDF form control.
[out]widgetAnnotPointer to a FSCRT_ANNOT handle that receives widget annotation handle.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter formControl, or widgetAnnot is NULL.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • formControl: this handle is short-term.
  • widgetAnnot: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_IsChecked ( FSPDF_FORMCONTROL  formControl,
FS_BOOL checked 

Get check box or radio button's state.

Applicable for CheckBox and RadioButton fields.

[in]formControlHandle to a FSPDF_FORMCONTROL object which is a PDF form control.
[out]checkedPointer to a FS_BOOL object that receives the check box or radio button's state.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter formControl, or checked is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter formControl is not a type of check box or radio button.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • formControl: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_IsDefaultChecked ( FSPDF_FORMCONTROL  formControl,
FS_BOOL checked 

Get check box or radio button's default state.

Applicable for CheckBox and RadioButton fields.

[in]formControlHandle to a FSPDF_FORMCONTROL object which is a PDF form control.
[out]checkedPointer to a FS_BOOL object that receives the check box or radio button's default state.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter formControl, or checked is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter formControl is not a type of check box or radio button.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • formControl: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_SetChecked ( FSPDF_FORMCONTROL  formControl,
FS_BOOL  checked 

Set check box or radio button's state.

Applicable for CheckBox & RadioButton fields

[in]formControlHandle to a FSPDF_FORMCONTROL object which is a PDF form control. It should be valid.
[in]checkedA FS_BOOL object that is the check box or radio button's state.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter formControl is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter formControl is not a type of check box or radio button.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • formControl: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_SetDefaultChecked ( FSPDF_FORMCONTROL  formControl,
FS_BOOL  checked 

Set check box or radio button's default state.

Applicable for CheckBox & RadioButton fields

[in]formControlHandle to a FSPDF_FORMCONTROL object which is a PDF form control. It should be valid.
[in]checkedA FS_BOOL object that is check box or radio button's default state.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter formControl is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter formControl is not a type of check box or radio button.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • formControl: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_SetExportValue ( FSPDF_FORMCONTROL  formControl,
const FSCRT_BSTR exportValue 

Set option's export value.

Applicable for CheckBox and RadioButton fields

[in]formControlHandle to a FSPDF_FORMCONTROL object which is a PDF form control. It should be valid.
[in]exportValuePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure that sets the option's export value.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter formControl or exportValue is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter formControl is not a type of check box or radio button.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • formControl: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_Calculate ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName 

Perform the form field javascript to calculate the values of form fields.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a document object. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which specifies the name of form field.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form is a NULL pointer, or fieldName is NULL.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_CountActions ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32  trigger,
FS_INT32 count 

Retrieve count of actions associated with a field and a trigger type in a form.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[in]triggerA FS_INT32 which represents a trigger type.It should be one of the following macro definitions:
[out]countPointer to a FS_INT32 object that receives the action count.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName, or count is NULL, or fieldName is empty, or trigger is invalid.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_CountControls ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32 count 

Get count of controls in a PDF page which belongs to specified fields.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object that is a PDF interactive form.
[in]pageHandle to a FSCRT_PAGE object that is a PDF page object.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents name of a field. If this is NULL or fieldName->str is NULL or fieldName->len is less than 1, it means to get all form controls count in the page.
[out]countPointer to a FS_INT32 object that receives count of controls.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, page, or formControl is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter page is not a type of PDF page or form and page are different document objects.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNKNOWNSTATE if annotations in parameter page are not loaded.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • page: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_Format ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_BOOL isFormated 

Perform the form field javascript to format the values of form fields.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a document object. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which specify the name of form field.
[out]isFormatedPointer to FS_BOOL to receive the value indicating whether the value is formated.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form is a NULL pointer, or fieldName,formated is NULL.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_FormatEvent ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,

Perform the form field javascript to format the values of form fields.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a document object. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which specify the name of form field.
[in,out]jsEventPointer to a FSPDF_JAVASCRIPTEVENT structure which specify the params of this event. Only FSPDF_JAVASCRIPTEVENT::strValue is used for this event.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form is a NULL pointer, or jsEvent is NULL.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetAction ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32  trigger,
FS_INT32  index,

Retrieve action associated with a field and a trigger type at a specified index in a form.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[in]triggerA FS_INT32 which represents a trigger type. It should be one of the following macro definitions:
[in]indexA FS_INT32 which represents the index of the action.
[out]actionDataPointer to a FSPDF_ACTIONDATA structure that receives action data associated with the action.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName,or actionData is NULL, or fieldName is empty, or trigger is invalid.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found, index is out of range or no action is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetAlignment ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32 alignment 

Get alignment type of a field's text.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[out]alignmentPointer to a FS_INT32 object to save the alignment type of the field's text. It would be one of the following macro definitions:
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName, or alignment is NULL, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetAlternateName ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FSCRT_BSTR alternateName 

Get alternate name to be used in place of actual field name.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[out]alternateNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure that receives alternate name.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName, or alternateName is NULL, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetControl ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32  index,

Get a form control which belongs to the specified fields.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]pageHandle to a FSCRT_PAGE object which is a PDF page object.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents name of a field. If this is NULL or fieldName->str is NULL or fieldName->len is less than 1, it means to get all form controls count in the page.
[in]indexThe zero-based index in the matched form controls.
[out]formControlPointer to a FSPDF_FORMCONTROL handle that receives the form control handle.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, page, or formControl is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter page is not a PDF page or form and page are different document objects.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found, or index is out of range or no form control is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNKNOWNSTATE if annotations in parameter page are not loaded.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • page: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • formControl: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetControlIndex ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSPDF_FORMCONTROL  formControl,
FS_INT32 index 

Get index of the form control which belongs to the specified fields.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]formControlHandle to a FSPDF_FORMCONTROL object that is a form control.
[out]index`Pointer to a FS_INT32 object that receives zero-based index in the matched form controls.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, formControl, or index is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • formControl: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetDefaultAppearance ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,

Get default appearance of specified fields.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[out]defAppearancePointer to a FSPDF_DEFAULTAPPEARANCE structure that receives the default appearance of the specified fields.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName, or defAppearance is NULL, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetDefaultValue ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,

Get default value of a field.

Applicable for all fields except PushButton fields.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[out]valuePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure that receives default value of the field.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName, or value is NULL, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetFlags ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_DWORD flags 

Get flags specifying various characteristics of the field.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[out]flagsPointer to a FS_DWORD to save the flags of the field. Please refer to macro definitions FSPDF_FORMFIELDFLAG_XXX and this would be one or a combination of these macros.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName, or flags is NULL, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetMappingName ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FSCRT_BSTR mappingName 

Get mapping name to be used when exporting interactive form field data from the document.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[out]mappingNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which receives mapping name.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName, or mappingName is NULL, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetMaxLen ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32 maxLen 

Get maximum length of the field's text, in characters.

Applicable for Text fields.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[out]maxLenPointer to a FS_INT32 object that receives the maximum length of the field's text.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName, or maxLen is NULL, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetOptions ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32 count 

Get list box or combo box options.

Applicable for ListBox and ComboBox fields.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[out]optionsPointer to a FSPDF_CHOICEOPTION structure array.
[in,out]countPointer to a FS_INT32 object that indicates the number of option array. When this function is called, count tells the number of option array, and when this function returns, count is the option's count stored in options.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName, or count is NULL, or fieldName is empty, or both options and count are NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found, or no choice options are found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter field is not a type of list box or combo box.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_BUFFEROVERFLOW if parameter options is valid but count is smaller than required.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Commonly, this function is called twice. First, pass NULL to options to retrieve necessary count.
Call it again when options contains enough space. count should never be empty.
Caller should prepare enough space before calling this function.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetTopVisibleIndex ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32 index 

Get top index for scrollable list boxes.

Applicable for ListBox fields. Parameter index is the index of first item which is in visible scope of list box.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[out]indexPointer to a FS_INT32 object that receives the index of the first visible item.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName or index is a NULL pointer, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found, or no top visible choice option is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter field is not a type of list box or combo box.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetType ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32 fieldType 

Get field type.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[out]fieldTypePointer to a FS_INT32 object to save the type of the field. Please refer to macro definitions FSPDF_FORMFIELDTYPE_XXX and this would be one of these macros.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName, or fieldType is NULL, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_GetValue ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,

Get value of a field.

Applicable for all fields except PushButton fields.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[out]valuePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure that receives the value of the field.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName, or value is NULL, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_InsertAction ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32  trigger,
FS_INT32  index,
const FSPDF_ACTIONDATA actionData 

Insert an action associated with a field (except signature field) and a trigger type at a specified index in a form.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[in]triggerA FS_INT32 which represents a trigger type. It should be one of the following macro definitions:
[in]indexA FS_INT32 which represents the index of the action. Range: 0 to (actioncount-1). actioncount is returned by function FSPDF_FormField_CountActions.
If it is out of the range, parameter actionData will be inserted to the last.
[in]actionDataPointer to a FSPDF_ACTIONDATA structure that receives the action data that associated with the action.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName or actionData is a NULL pointer, or fieldName is empty or trigger is invalid.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found, index is out of range or no action is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNSUPPORTED if parameter fieldName represents a signature field.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_RemoveAction ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32  trigger,
FS_INT32  index 

Remove an action associated with a field (except signature field) and a trigger type by index in a form.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[in]triggerA FS_INT32 which represents a trigger type.It should be one of the following macro definitions:
[in]indexA FS_INT32 which represents the index of the action.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form or fieldName is a NULL pointer, or fieldName is empty or trigger is invalid.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found, index is out of range or no action is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNSUPPORTED if parameter fieldName represents a signature field.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_RemoveAllActions ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32  trigger 

Remove all actions associated with a field (except signature field) and a trigger type in a form.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[in]triggerA FS_INT32 which represents a trigger type. It should be one of the following macro definitions:
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form or fieldName is a NULL pointer, or fieldName is empty or trigger is invalid.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found or there is no trigger action.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNSUPPORTED if parameter fieldName represents a signature field.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_RemoveControl ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,

Remove a form control from a form field.

If the form field has only one control, the field itself will be removed at the same time.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a document object. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which specify the name of the form field.
[in]formControlHandle to a FSPDF_FORMCONTROL object which is to be removed.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDLICENSE if current license is not authorized or access to PDF form is not allowed.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form is NULL, fieldName is invalid, or formControl is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no field or control is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_FORMAT if parameter fieldName is not in UTF-8 format.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if some other error happen.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • formControl: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetAction ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32  trigger,
FS_INT32  index,
const FSPDF_ACTIONDATA actionData 

Update an action associated with a field (except signature field) and a trigger type at a specified index in a form.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[in]triggerA FS_INT32 which represents a trigger type. It should be one of the following macro definitions:
[in]indexA FS_INT32 which represents the index of the action.
[in]actionDataPointer to a FSPDF_ACTIONDATA structure that is associated with the action.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName or actionData is a NULL pointer, or fieldName is empty or trigger is invalid.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found, index is out of range or no action is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNSUPPORTED if parameter fieldName represents a signature field.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetAlignment ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32  alignment 

Set alignment property of the field's text, only useful for text field and list box.

Alignment is a property of variable text. It can be set to any kind of form field, but only useful for text field and list box, which may contain variable text as their content.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[in]alignmentThe new alignment type of the field's variable text. It should be one of the following macro definitions:
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form or fieldName is a NULL pointer, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNSUPPORTED if parameter fieldName represents a signature field.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetAlternateName ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
const FSCRT_BSTR alternateName 

Set alternate name to be used in place of the actual field (except signature field) name.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[in]alternateNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which specifies alternate name.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName or alternateName is a NULL pointer, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNSUPPORTED if parameter fieldName represents a signature field.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetDefaultAppearance ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,

Set default appearance to the specified field (except signature field).

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[in]defAppearancePointer to a FSPDF_DEFAULTAPPEARANCE structure that receives the default appearance of the specified fields.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName or defAppearance is a NULL pointer, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNSUPPORTED if parameter fieldName represents a signature field.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Currently, FSPDF_DEFAULTAPPEARANCE::textMatrix will not have any effect (even if FSPDF_DEFAULTAPPEARANCE::flags contains FSPDF_DEFAULTAPPEARANCE_TEXTMATRIX ), if the related widget annotation of specified field has "MK" dictionary.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetDefaultValue ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
const FSCRT_BSTR value 

Set default value of the field (except signature field).

Applicable for all fields except PushButton fields.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[in]valuePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure that sets the default value of the field.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName or value is a NULL pointer, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNSUPPORTED if parameter fieldName represents a signature field.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetFlags ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_DWORD  flags 

Set flags specifying various characteristics of the field (except signature field).

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[in]flagsThe flags of the field. Please refer to macro definitions FSPDF_FORMFIELDFLAG_XXX and this can be one or a combination of these macros.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form or fieldName is a NULL pointer, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNSUPPORTED if parameter fieldName represents a signature field.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetMappingName ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
const FSCRT_BSTR mappingName 

Set mapping name to be used when exporting interactive form field data from the document (except signature field).

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[in]mappingNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which specifies mapping name.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName or mappingName is a NULL pointer, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNSUPPORTED if parameter fieldName represents a signature field.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetMaxLen ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32  maxLen 

Set maximum length of the field's text (except signature field), in characters.

Applicable for Text fields.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[in]maxLenThe maximum length of the field's text.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form or fieldName is a NULL pointer, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNSUPPORTED if parameter fieldName represents a signature field.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetOptions ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32  count 

Set list box or combo box options.

Applicable for ComboBox & ListBox fields

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[in]optionsPointer to a FSPDF_CHOICEOPTION structure that is an array.
[in]countThe counts of input option.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName or options is a NULL pointer, or fieldName is empty, or count is invalid.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter field is not a type of list box or combo box.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNKNOWNSTATE if function fails to update the internal state.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetTopVisibleIndex ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
FS_INT32  index 

Set top index for scrollable list boxes.

Applicable for ListBox fields. Parameter index is the index of first item which is in visible scope of list box.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[in]indexThe first visible item's index to be set.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form or fieldName is a NULL pointer, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found, or index is out of range or no top visible choice option is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if parameter field is not a type of list box.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetValue ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
const FSCRT_BSTR value 

Set value of a field (except signature field).

Applicable for all fields except PushButton fields.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF interactive form. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which represents the name of a field.
[in]valuePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which receives the value of the field.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form, fieldName or value is a NULL pointer, or fieldName is empty.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_NOTFOUND if no specified form field is found.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNSUPPORTED if parameter fieldName represents a signature field.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_ValidateKeyStroke ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
const FSCRT_BSTR value,
FS_BOOL isValid 

Perform the form field javascript to validate whether the input of key stroke is valid.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a document object. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which specifies the name of form field.
[in]valuePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which specifies the input value of form field.
[out]isValidPointer to FS_BOOL to receive the value indicating whether the input value is valid.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form is a NULL pointer, or fieldName,isValid is NULL.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_ValidateKeyStrokeEvent ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,

Perform the form field javascript to validate whether the input of key stroke is valid.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a document object. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which specifies the name of form field.
[in]jsEventPointer to a FSPDF_JAVASCRIPTEVENT structure which specifies the current event of form field.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if one of form,fieldName or isValid is NULL, or the range specified by jsEvent.nStart and jsEvent.nEnd is invalid.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_ValidateValue ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,
const FSCRT_BSTR value,
FS_BOOL isValid 

Perform the form field javascript to validate whether the user input value is valid.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a document object. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which specify the name of form field.
[in]valuePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which specify the input value of form field.
[out]isValidPointer to FS_BOOL to receive the value indicating whether the input value is valid.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form is a NULL pointer, or fieldName,isValid is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_ValidateValueEvent ( FSPDF_FORM  form,
const FSCRT_BSTR fieldName,

Perform the form field javascript to validate whether the user input value is valid.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a document object. It should be valid.
[in]fieldNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which specify the name of form field.
[in,out]jsEventPointer to a FSPDF_JAVASCRIPTEVENT structure which specify the params of this event. For this event, the member strValue of structure FSPDF_JAVASCRIPTEVENT should be valid.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter form is a NULL pointer, or jsEvent is NULL.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormFiller_Begin ( FSPDF_FORM  form,

Begin the form filling.

Function FSPDF_Doc_SetJavaScriptActionHandler should be called to set the action handler before starting the form filling, otherwise some action types, like javascript, could not perform well.

[in]formHandle to a FSPDF_FORM object which is a PDF form object.
[in]windowlessPointer to a FPDF_FORMINTERACTION_WINDOWLESS structure which includes the callback functions for windowless form filling.
[out]fillerPointer to a FSPDF_FORMFILLER handle to receive the form filler handle.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
  • form: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • filler: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.

Finish the form filling.

[in]fillerHandle to a FSPDF_FORMFILLER object which is a filler object. It should be valid.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter filler is a NULL pointer, or fieldType is invalid.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
  • filler: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormFiller_SetHighlightColor ( FSPDF_FORMFILLER  filler,
FS_INT32  fieldType,
FS_ARGB  color 

Set the highlight color for the form field.

[in]fillerHandle to a FSPDF_FORMFILLER object which is a filler object. It should be valid.
[in]fieldTypeThe form field type, please refer to macro definitions FSPDF_FORMFIELDTYPE_XXX.
[in]colorThe color value in ARGB format.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
  • filler: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormFiller_ShowHighlight ( FSPDF_FORMFILLER  filler,
FS_BOOL  show 

Whether to show the highlight of form field or not.

[in]fillerHandle to a FSPDF_FORMFILLER object which is a filler object. It should be valid.
[in]showWhether to highlight the form field or not.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
  • filler: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormFiller_TriggerWindowlessEvent ( FSPDF_FORMFILLER  filler,
FSCRT_MATRIX page2Device,
FS_DWORD  eventType,
FS_LPVOID  eventData 

Trigger the platform event for the windowless form filling.

[in]fillerHandle to a FSPDF_FORMFILLER object which is a filler object. It should be valid.
[in]pageHandle to a valid FSCRT_PAGE object. It could be NULL for some event type like FSCRT_EVENT_KEYDOWN,FSCRT_EVENT_KEYUP,FSCRT_EVENT_CHAR, FSCRT_EVENT_KILLFOCUS.
[in]page2DevicePointer to a FSCRT_MATRIX structure.
, which specifies the matrix transformation from page to device coordinate. It could be NULL for some event type like FSCRT_EVENT_KEYDOWN,FSCRT_EVENT_KEYUP,FSCRT_EVENT_CHAR, FSCRT_EVENT_KILLFOCUS.
[in]eventTypeThe type of the event. Please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_EVENT_XXX and this should be one of these macros.
[in]eventDataThe event data, related to parameter eventType. Please refer to structures FSCRT_NOTEDATA_XXX and this should be one of these structure objects.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter filler is a NULL pointer or eventType is invalid. For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • filler: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • page: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_StartFormControls ( FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT  pdfRenderContext,
const FSPDF_FORMCONTROL *  formControls,
FS_INT32  count,
FSCRT_PROGRESS *  renderProgress 

Start rendering a PDF form control in a renderer with a PDF rendering context.

It will spend a long time to render a form control with complex or large contents, so Foxit PDF SDK uses a progressive process to do this.
Caller should pass renderProgress to FSCRT_Progress_Continue to continue rendering in steps, and should call function FSCRT_Progress_Release to destroy renderProgress object if rendering process is over.

[in]pdfRenderContextHandle to a FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT object which is a PDF rendering context, created by function FSPDF_RenderContext_Create.
[in]rendererHandle to a FSCRT_RENDERER object which represents a rendering engine, createcd by function FSCRT_Renderer_CreateOnBitmap or platform-dependednt renderer creating functions.
[in]formControlsPointer to a FSPDF_FORMCONTROL array handle which is a PDF form control object.
[in]countA FS_INT32 object that is the number of element in the formControls array.
[out]renderProgressPointer to a FSCRT_PROGRESS handle that receives a handle of progressive process.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter pdfRenderContext, renderer, formControls, or renderProgress is NULL, or count is invalid.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if fails to render form control because of any other reasons.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXTFLAG_NOWIDGET will be ignored in this function if it has been set to parameter pdfRenderContext.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • pdfRenderContext: this handle is long-term recoverable.
  • renderer: this handle is long-term recoverable.
  • formControl: this handle is short-term.
  • renderProgress: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_StartPageFormControls ( FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT  pdfRenderContext,
FSCRT_PROGRESS *  renderProgress 

Start rendering a page's form controls in a renderer with a PDF rendering context.

It will take a long time to render all form controls in a page with complex or large contents, so Foxit PDF SDK uses a progressive process to do this.
Caller should pass renderProgress to FSCRT_Progress_Continue to continue rendering in steps, and should call function FSCRT_Progress_Release to destroy renderProgress object if rendering process is over.

[in]pdfRenderContextHandle to a FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT object which is a PDF rendering context, created by function FSPDF_RenderContext_Create.
[in]rendererHandle to a FSCRT_RENDERER object which represents a rendering engine, created by function FSCRT_Renderer_CreateOnBitmap or platform-dependednt renderer creating functions.
[in]pageHandle to a FSCRT_PAGE object which is a PDF page.
[out]renderProgressPointer to a FSCRT_PROGRESS handle that receives a handle of progressive process.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if parameter pdfRenderContext, renderer, page, or renderProgress is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNKNOWNSTATE if page form controls are not loaded.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXTFLAG_NOWIDGET will be ignored in this function if it has been set to parameter pdfRenderContext.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • pdfRenderContext: this handle is long-term recoverable.
  • renderer: this handle is long-term recoverable.
  • page: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • renderProgress: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.

Foxit Corporation