fpdf_form_w.h File Reference

Header file for PDF Form module of Foxit PDF SDK. More...

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 Handle type to PDF form filler. More...
 Structure for windowless form interaction information. More...
 Structure for javascript event. More...


 Create an arco form. More...
 Export data in a form to a FDF document. More...
 Import data in FDF document to fill a form. More...
 Export the form data to a XML file. More...
 Import the form data from a XML file. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_Reset (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldNames, FS_INT32 count, FS_BOOL bInclude)
 Reset data in fields to their default value. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_SetDefaultAppearance (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSPDF_DEFAULTAPPEARANCE *defAppearance)
 Set default appearance of a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_SetAlignment (FSPDF_FORM form, FS_INT32 alignment)
 Set alignment property of a form, as a document-wide default value. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_SetConstructAppearancesFlag (FSPDF_FORM form, FS_BOOL needConstruct)
 Set a flag that specifies whether to construct appearances when loading form controls. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_RenameField (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, const FSCRT_BSTR *newFieldName)
 Rename a field to a new name. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_SetFieldsInCalculationOrder (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldNames, FS_DWORD count)
 Set calculation order in a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_AddField (FSPDF_FORM form, FSCRT_PAGE page, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 fieldType, FSCRT_RECTF *rect, FSPDF_FORMCONTROL *formControl)
 Add a form field to arco form, and also create a new form control with the field. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Form_RemoveField (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName)
 Remove a form field from arco form. More...
 Begin the form filling. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormFiller_TriggerWindowlessEvent (FSPDF_FORMFILLER filler, FSCRT_PAGE page, FSCRT_MATRIX *page2Device, FS_DWORD eventType, FS_LPVOID eventData)
 Trigger the platform event for the windowless form filling. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormFiller_SetHighlightColor (FSPDF_FORMFILLER filler, FS_INT32 fieldType, FS_ARGB color)
 Set the highlight color for the form field. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormFiller_ShowHighlight (FSPDF_FORMFILLER filler, FS_BOOL show)
 Whether to show the highlight of form field or not. More...
 Finish the form filling. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetAction (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 trigger, FS_INT32 index, const FSPDF_ACTIONDATA *actionData)
 Update an action associated with a field (except signature field) and a trigger type at a specified index in a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_InsertAction (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 trigger, FS_INT32 index, const FSPDF_ACTIONDATA *actionData)
 Insert an action associated with a field (except signature field) and a trigger type at a specified index in a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_RemoveAction (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 trigger, FS_INT32 index)
 Remove an action associated with a field (except signature field) and a trigger type by index in a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_RemoveAllActions (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 trigger)
 Remove all actions associated with a field (except signature field) and a trigger type in a form. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_RemoveControl (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FSPDF_FORMCONTROL formControl)
 Remove a form control from a form field. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_ValidateValue (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, const FSCRT_BSTR *value, FS_BOOL *isValid)
 Perform the form field javascript to validate whether the user input value is valid. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_ValidateKeyStroke (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, const FSCRT_BSTR *value, FS_BOOL *isValid)
 Perform the form field javascript to validate whether the input of key stroke is valid. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_ValidateKeyStrokeEvent (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FSPDF_JAVASCRIPTEVENT *jsEvent)
 Perform the form field javascript to validate whether the input of key stroke is valid. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_Calculate (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName)
 Perform the form field javascript to calculate the values of form fields. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_Format (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_BOOL *isFormated)
 Perform the form field javascript to format the values of form fields. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetAlignment (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 alignment)
 Set alignment property of the field's text, only useful for text field and list box. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetFlags (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_DWORD flags)
 Set flags specifying various characteristics of the field (except signature field). More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetDefaultValue (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, const FSCRT_BSTR *value)
 Set default value of the field (except signature field). More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetValue (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, const FSCRT_BSTR *value)
 Set value of a field (except signature field). More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetDefaultAppearance (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, const FSPDF_DEFAULTAPPEARANCE *defAppearance)
 Set default appearance to the specified field (except signature field). More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetAlternateName (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, const FSCRT_BSTR *alternateName)
 Set alternate name to be used in place of the actual field (except signature field) name. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetMappingName (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, const FSCRT_BSTR *mappingName)
 Set mapping name to be used when exporting interactive form field data from the document (except signature field). More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetMaxLen (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 maxLen)
 Set maximum length of the field's text (except signature field), in characters. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetOptions (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, const FSPDF_CHOICEOPTION *options, FS_INT32 count)
 Set list box or combo box options. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_SetTopVisibleIndex (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FS_INT32 index)
 Set top index for scrollable list boxes. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_SetExportValue (FSPDF_FORMCONTROL formControl, const FSCRT_BSTR *exportValue)
 Set option's export value. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_SetChecked (FSPDF_FORMCONTROL formControl, FS_BOOL checked)
 Set check box or radio button's state. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_SetDefaultChecked (FSPDF_FORMCONTROL formControl, FS_BOOL checked)
 Set check box or radio button's default state. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormControl_DoJavaScriptAction (FSPDF_FORMCONTROL control, FS_INT32 trigger)
 Perform the form control javascript which is specified by the trigger. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_ValidateValueEvent (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FSPDF_JAVASCRIPTEVENT *jsEvent)
 Perform the form field javascript to validate whether the user input value is valid. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_FormField_FormatEvent (FSPDF_FORM form, const FSCRT_BSTR *fieldName, FSPDF_JAVASCRIPTEVENT *jsEvent)
 Perform the form field javascript to format the values of form fields. More...

Detailed Description

Header file for PDF Form module of Foxit PDF SDK.

Copyright (C) 2003-2017, Foxit Software Inc.. All Rights Reserved.


The following code is copyrighted and contains proprietary information and trade secrets of Foxit Software Inc.. You cannot distribute any part of Foxit PDF SDK to any third party or general public, unless there is a separate license agreement with Foxit Software Inc. which explicitly grants you such rights.

This header file defines PDF form supports.
It contains:

  • 1. Export and import FDF files.
  • 2. Set trigger actions of form field.
  • 3. Set properties of form field.
  • 4. Set form controls.
If you want to purchase Foxit PDF SDK license and use ANY of the following functions, please request for enabling Form Add-on explicitly.

Foxit Corporation