PDF Base

Definitions for PDF basic and common process.
Definitions and functions in this module are included in fpdf_base_r.h.
Module: PDFBase
License Identifier: PDFBase/All
Available License Right: Unnecessary. More...


 Structure for default appearance. More...
 Handle type to PDF object. More...
 Handle type to PDF attachment. More...
 Handle type to PDF rendering context. More...
 Structure for render option parameters of color mode. More...
 Handle type to PDF layer context. More...
 Structure for a destination data. More...
 Structure for an action data. More...
 Structure for action type FSPDF_ACTION_GOTO. More...
 Structure for action type FSPDF_ACTION_REMOTEGOTO. More...
 Structure for target of FSPDF_ACTIONDATA_EMBEDDEDGOTO. More...
 Structure for action type FSPDF_ACTION_EMBEDDEDGOTO. More...
 Structure for action type FSPDF_ACTION_URI. More...
 Structure for action type FSPDF_ACTION_LAUNCH. More...
 Structure for action type FSPDF_ACTION_JAVASCRIPT. More...
 Structure for action type FSPDF_ACTION_HIDE. More...
 Structure for action type FSPDF_ACTION_NAMED. More...
 Structure for action type FSPDF_ACTION_SUBMITFORM. More...
 Structure for action type FSPDF_ACTION_RESETFORM. More...
 Structure for action type FSPDF_ACTION_IMPORTDATA. More...


FS_RESULT FSCRT_PDFModule_Initialize ()
 Initialize PDF module. More...
FS_RESULT FSCRT_PDFModule_Finalize ()
 Finalize PDF module. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_Create (FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT *pdfRenderContext)
 Create a PDF rendering context. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_Release (FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT pdfRenderContext)
 Release a PDF rendering context. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_SetFlags (FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT pdfRenderContext, FS_DWORD flags)
 Set flags to a rendering context. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_SetMatrix (FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT pdfRenderContext, const FSCRT_MATRIX *matrix)
 Set a transformation matrix to a rendering context. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_SetHalftoneLimit (FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT pdfRenderContext, FS_INT32 halftoneLimit)
 Set a halftone limit to a rendering context. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_SetOption (FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT pdfRenderContext, FS_DWORD option, FS_LPVOID params)
 Set option parameters to a rendering context. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_SetLayerContext (FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT pdfRenderContext, FSPDF_LAYERCONTEXT layerContext)
 Set layer context to render context handle. More...
 Initialize PDF action data. More...
 Clear PDF action data. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_Create (FSCRT_DOCUMENT document, FSPDF_ATTACHMENT *attachment)
 Create an attachment object. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_Release (FSCRT_DOCUMENT document, FSPDF_ATTACHMENT attachment)
 Release a attachment object. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_IsEmbedded (FSPDF_ATTACHMENT attachment, FS_BOOL *embedded)
 Check whether an attachment is an embedded file or not. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_GetFileName (FSPDF_ATTACHMENT attachment, FSCRT_BSTR *fileName)
 Get file name of an attachment. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_SetFileName (FSPDF_ATTACHMENT attachment, const FSCRT_BSTR *fileName, FS_BOOL isURL)
 Set the file name of an attachment. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_GetDescription (FSPDF_ATTACHMENT attachment, FSCRT_BSTR *description)
 Get description of an attachment. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_SetDescription (FSPDF_ATTACHMENT attachment, const FSCRT_BSTR *description)
 Set the description of an attachment. More...
 Get the size of an attachment. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_GetCreationDateTime (FSPDF_ATTACHMENT attachment, FSCRT_DATETIMEZONE *dt)
 Get creation date and time of an attachment. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_SetCreationDateTime (FSPDF_ATTACHMENT attachment, const FSCRT_DATETIMEZONE *dt)
 Set the creation date and time of an attachment. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_GetModifiedDateTime (FSPDF_ATTACHMENT attachment, FSCRT_DATETIMEZONE *dt)
 Get the last modification date and time of an attachment. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_SetModifiedDateTime (FSPDF_ATTACHMENT attachment, const FSCRT_DATETIMEZONE *dt)
 Set the modification date of an attachment. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_GetCheckSum (FSPDF_ATTACHMENT attachment, FSCRT_BSTR *checksum)
 Get an attachment's checksum. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_SetCheckSum (FSPDF_ATTACHMENT attachment, const FSCRT_BSTR *checksum)
 Set the checksum of an attachment. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_WriteToFile (FSPDF_ATTACHMENT attachment, FSCRT_FILE file)
 Write the attachment data directly into a file. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_GetData (FSPDF_ATTACHMENT attachment, FS_BOOL isRawData, FSCRT_FILE *file)
 Get the attachment data with an asynchronous way. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_SetFile (FSPDF_ATTACHMENT attachment, FSCRT_FILE file)
 Set the file of an attachment. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_GetDocument (FSPDF_ATTACHMENT attachment, FSCRT_DOCUMENT *document)
 Get a document handle related to an attachment. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Font_IsEmbedded (FSCRT_DOCUMENT document, FSCRT_FONT font, FS_BOOL *isEmbedded)
 Check whether a font is embedded in a PDF document. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Font_GetDict (FSCRT_DOCUMENT document, FSCRT_FONT font, FSPDF_OBJECT *fontDictionary)
 Get the dictionary of a font in a PDF document. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Font_IsSupportEmbedded (FSCRT_DOCUMENT document, FSCRT_FONT font, FS_BOOL *isSupported)
 Check whether all features of the font can be embedded to a specific PDF document or not. More...

Macro Definitions for PDF Document Permissions

According to PDF Reference, a 32-bit integer is used to represent permissions.
Bits in permission value, 1-2 bits must be zero, 7-8, 13-32 bits must be 1, and leave other unused bits to 0.
 Bit 3. Print PDF document with normal mode. More...
 Bit 4. Modify PDF contents. More...
 Bit 5. Extract PDF contents. More...
 Bit 6. Operate text annotations and fill in interactive form fields. More...
 Bit 9. Fill PDF form. More...
 Bit 10. Disabilities support. More...
 Bit 11. Assemble PDF document. More...
 Bit 12. Print PDF document with higher qualities. More...

Macro Definitions for Page Boundary Box

For some purposes, PDF defines a set of page boxes.
User can select a proper page box according to application intentions.
 Media Box for page boundary. More...
 Crop Box for page boundary. More...
 Trim Box for page boundary. More...
 Art Box for page boundary. More...
 Bleed Box for page boundary. More...

Macro Definitions for Alignments (horizontal).

 Left alignment.
 Center alignment.
 Right alignment.

Macro Definitions for Settings of Default Appearance

 The font flag of default appearance.
 The text color flag of default appearance.
 The text matrix flag of default appearance flag.

Macro Definitions for Rendering Options

Currently, only one rendering option is defined.
 Rendering option of color mode.

Macro Definitions for Rendering Option of Color Mode

 Normal color mode.
 Gray color mode: map colors to background/foreground.
 Two color mode: map white/black to background/foreground, other unchanged.

Macro Definitions for Render Flags

Pass one or a combination of the following flags to parameter flags when call function FSPDF_RenderContext_SetFlags.
 Set if page annotations are to be rendered together.
 Drop page content objects while rendering page automatically. More...
 Set if the form fields(widgets) are not to be rendered together.
 Set if no need to rotate or scale annotation icon. More...
 This flag indicates not to render signatures.
 If this flag is set, only apply those content objects which allow to output to printer.
 If this flag is set, only apply those content objects which allow to output for design mode.
 If this flag is set, only apply those content objects which allow to output for exportation.

Macro Definitions for Zoom Mode for The Destination

 A specific zoom factor is used.
 Fit the whole page on the screen.
 Fit the width of the page on the screen.
 Fit the height of the page on the screen.
 Fit a particular rectangle on the screen.
 Fit the whole content of page on the screen.
 Fit the content width of page on the screen.
 Fit the content height of page on the screen.

Macro Definitions for Action Type

 Unsupported action type.
 Go to a destination within current document.
 Go to a destination within another document.
 Go to a destination within embedded another document.
#define FSPDF_ACTION_URI   4
 Universal Resource Identifier, including web pages and other Internet based resources.
 Launch an application or open a file.
 Run a javascript.
 Hide or show one or more annotations.
 Run a named action.
 Transmit the names and values of selected interactive form fields.
 Reset selected interactive form fields to their default values.
 Import Forms Data Format (FDF) data into the document's interactive form.
 Play a multimedia.

Macro Definitions for Trigger Actions of Document

 A JavaScript action to be performed after opening a document.
 A JavaScript action to be performed before closing a document.
 A JavaScript action to be performed before saving a document.
 A JavaScript action to be performed after saving a document.
 A JavaScript action to be performed before printing a document.
 A JavaScript action to be performed after printing a document.

Macro Definitions for Trigger Actions of Form Field

 A JavaScript action to be performed when the user types a keystroke into a text field or combo box or modifies the selection in a scrollable list box. More...
 A JavaScript action to be performed before the field is formatted to display its current value. More...
 A JavaScript action to be performed when the field's value is changed. More...
 A JavaScript action to be performed to recalculate the value of this field when that of another field changes.

Macro Definitions for Trigger Actions of Page

 An action to be performed when the page is opened.
 An action to be performed when the page is closed.

Macro Definitions for Trigger Actions of Annotation


Macro Definitions for Submit-Form Action Flags

According to PDF Reference, a 32-bit integer is used to represent submit-form action flags.
Bits in flags value, leave unused bits to be 0.
 Bit 1. Include fields to submit.
 Bit 2. Submit fields regardless of whether they have a value. More...
 Bit 3. Field names and values are submitted in HTML Form format. More...
 Bit 4. Field names and values are submitted using an HTTP GET request. More...
 Bit 5. Coordinates of the mouse are transmitted as part of the form data.
 Bit 6. Field names and values are submitted as XFDF.
 Bit 7. Submitted FDF file includes contents as contained in differences entry in the FDF dictionary. More...
 Bit 8. Submitted FDF file includes all markup annotations in underlying PDF document. More...
 Bit 9. The document is submitted as PDF.
 Bit 10. Any submitted field values representing dates are converted to the standard format.
 Bit 11. Only those markup annotations whose T entry matches the name of the current user are being submitted.
 Bit 12. Submitted FDF excludes F entry.
 Bit 14. F entry of submitted FDF is an embedded file stream.

Detailed Description

Definitions for PDF basic and common process.
Definitions and functions in this module are included in fpdf_base_r.h.
Module: PDFBase
License Identifier: PDFBase/All
Available License Right: Unnecessary.

This module contains following features:

Macro Definition Documentation


Art Box for page boundary.

The intended dimensions of a finished page after trimming.


Bleed Box for page boundary.

The extent of page's meaningful content (including potential white space) as intended by page's creator.


Crop Box for page boundary.

The region to which the contents of page are to be clipped (cropped) while displaying or printing.


Media Box for page boundary.

The boundary of the physical medium on which page is to be displayed or printed.


Trim Box for page boundary.

The region to which the contents of page should be clipped while outputting in a production environment.


Bit 6. Operate text annotations and fill in interactive form fields.

If bit 4 is also set, user can create or modify interactive form fields (including signature fields).


Bit 11. Assemble PDF document.

This bit enables to assemble the document (insert, rotate, or delete pages and create bookmarks or thumbnail images), regardless if bit 4 is set or not.


Bit 5. Extract PDF contents.

if this bit is set, the user can copy or otherwise extract text and graphics from the document by operations other than that controlled by bit 10.


Bit 10. Disabilities support.

If this bit set, user can extract text and graphics in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes.


Bit 9. Fill PDF form.

if this bit is set, user can fill in interactive form fields (including signature fields), even if bit 6 is clear.


Bit 4. Modify PDF contents.

if this bit is set, the user can modify contents of PDF document by operations other than those controlled by bits 6, 9, and 11.


Bit 3. Print PDF document with normal mode.

If the user wants to print a higher quality level of PDF document, set it with bit 12 together.
Please refer to macro FSPDF_PERMISSION_PRINT_HIGH.


Bit 12. Print PDF document with higher qualities.

If this bit is clear (and bit 3 is set), printing is limited to a low-level representation of the appearance, possibly of degraded quality.


Drop page content objects while rendering page automatically.

This will make the most complicated pages renderable within very limited memory.
HOWEVER, after rendering a page, page content objects will not be used any more, and user has to re-parse page for any process on page contents.

Do not use this flag when caller shares one rendering context object between multi-threads.

Set if no need to rotate or scale annotation icon.

In PDF, "<b>Text</b>" and "<b>FileAttachment</b>" annotations show as icons.


Bit 3. Field names and values are submitted in HTML Form format.

Meaningful only if the SubmitPDF and XFDF flags are clear.
If clear, they are submitted in Forms Data Format (FDF).

Bit 4. Field names and values are submitted using an HTTP GET request.

If clear, they are submitted using a POST request.
This flag is meaningful only when the ExportFormat flag is set.

Bit 8. Submitted FDF file includes all markup annotations in underlying PDF document.

Meaningful only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format.

Bit 7. Submitted FDF file includes contents as contained in differences entry in the FDF dictionary.

Meaningful only when the form is being submitted in Forms Data Format.

Bit 2. Submit fields regardless of whether they have a value.

For fields without a value, only the field name is transmitted.

brief An action to be performed when the cursor enters the annotation's active area.


brief An action to be performed when the cursor exits the annotation's active area.


brief An action to be performed when the annotation loses the input focus.


brief An action to be performed when the annotation receives the input focus.


brief An action to be performed when the mouse button is pressed inside the annotation's active area.


brief An action to be performed when the mouse button is released inside the annotation's active area.


brief An action to be performed when the page containing the annotation is closed.


brief An action to be performed when the page containing the annotation is no longer visible in the viewer application's user interface.


brief An action to be performed when the page containing the annotation is opened.


brief An action to be performed when the page containing the annotation becomes visible in the viewer application's user interface.


A JavaScript action to be performed when the user types a keystroke into a text field or combo box or modifies the selection in a scrollable list box.

This action can check the keystroke for validity and reject or modify it.


A JavaScript action to be performed before the field is formatted to display its current value.

This action can modify the field's value before formatting.


A JavaScript action to be performed when the field's value is changed.

This action can check the new value for validity.

Function Documentation

FS_RESULT FSCRT_PDFModule_Finalize ( )

Finalize PDF module.

FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDMANAGER if Foxit PDF SDK manager is not initialized.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDMODULE if PDF module is not initialized.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Function FSCRT_PDFModule_Initialize should be called to initialize PDF module, and when there is no need to use PDF module anymore, this function should be called.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSCRT_PDFModule_Initialize ( )

Initialize PDF module.

This is the first function that should be called if the user needs any PDF process.

FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDMANAGER if Foxit PDF SDK manager is not initialized.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if the function cannot initialize PDF module for any reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Call function FSCRT_PDFModule_Finalize to destroy PDF module if there is no need to use any process of PDF.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.

Clear PDF action data.

[in]actionDataPointer to a FSPDF_ACTIONDATA structure which to be cleared.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter actionData is a NULL pointer.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is not thread safe. Do not call it to process same objects between multi-threads, or the application should maintain thread safety when it needs to process same objects under multi-threaded environments.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.

Initialize PDF action data.

[in]actionDataPointer to a FSPDF_ACTIONDATA structure which to be set.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter actionData is a NULL pointer.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is not thread safe. Do not call it to process same objects between multi-threads, or the application should maintain thread safety when it needs to process same objects under multi-threaded environments.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_Create ( FSCRT_DOCUMENT  document,
FSPDF_ATTACHMENT *  attachment 

Create an attachment object.

[in]documentHandle to a FSCRT_DOCUMENT object which is a PDF document object. It should be valid.
[out]attachmentPointer to a FSPDF_ATTACHMENT handle to receive the newly created PDF attachment. If there is any error, it will be NULL
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if the parameter document is not a valid type of PDF document.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter attachment or document is a NULL pointer.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
When create a new attachment object, function FSPDF_Attachment_SetFile or FSPDF_Attachment_SetFileName should be called first to initialize attachment object before setting other properties of it.
Thread Safety: this function is not thread safe. Do not call it to process same objects between multi-threads, or the application should maintain thread safety when it needs to process same objects under multi-threaded environments.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • document: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • attachment: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_GetCheckSum ( FSPDF_ATTACHMENT  attachment,
FSCRT_BSTR checksum 

Get an attachment's checksum.

The checksum refers to checksum of the bytes of an uncompressed embedded file.
The checksum is calculated by applying the standard MD5 message-digest algorithm (described in Internet RFC 1321, the MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm; see the Bibliography) to the bytes of the embedded file stream.

[in]attachmentHandle to a FSPDF_ATTACHMENT object returned by function FSPDF_Attachments_GetAttachment.
[out]checksumPointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure that receives the checksum of the attachment.
If there is any error, FSCRT_BSTR::str will be set empty if it is not NULL while calling this function, and FSCRT_BSTR::len will be set 0.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter attachment or checksum is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if the function cannot get checksum of attachment because of any other reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • attachment: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_GetCreationDateTime ( FSPDF_ATTACHMENT  attachment,

Get creation date and time of an attachment.

[in]attachmentHandle to a FSPDF_ATTACHMENT object returned by function FSPDF_Attachments_GetAttachment.
[out]dtPointer to FSCRT_DATETIMEZONE structure that receives creation date and time.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter attachment or dt is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_FORMAT if the creation date and time of parameter attachment has a wrong format.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if the function cannot get creation date of attachment because of any other reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • attachment: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_GetData ( FSPDF_ATTACHMENT  attachment,
FS_BOOL  isRawData,
FSCRT_FILE *  file 

Get the attachment data with an asynchronous way.

This function provides an asynchronous way to get the attachment data. This function is usually used to get a large size of attachment data in a progressive way. When this function returns, the application need to invoke function FSCRT_File_Read by passing the returned FSCRT_FILE to extract the needed data.

[in]attachmentHandle to a valid FSPDF_ATTACHMENT object which is a PDF attachment object.
[in]isRawDataA boolean value indicates to get raw data if it is TRUE, or to get decoded data (original data) if it is FALSE.
[out]filePointer to a FSCRT_FILE handle that receives the handle of file object.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter attachment or file is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_FILE if the function cannot access parameter file.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if the function cannot get data of attachment because of any other reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • attachment: this handle is short-term.
  • file: this handle is long-term recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_GetDescription ( FSPDF_ATTACHMENT  attachment,
FSCRT_BSTR description 

Get description of an attachment.

Descriptive text associated with the attachment. It is used for files in the EmbeddedFiles name tree.

[in]attachmentHandle to a FSPDF_ATTACHMENT object returned by function FSPDF_Attachments_GetAttachment.
[out]descriptionPointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure that receives the description of attachment. It would be in UTF-8 format.
If there is any error, FSCRT_BSTR::str will be set empty if it is not NULL while calling this function, and FSCRT_BSTR::len will be set 0.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter attachment or description is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • attachment: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_GetDocument ( FSPDF_ATTACHMENT  attachment,
FSCRT_DOCUMENT *  document 

Get a document handle related to an attachment.

[in]attachmentHandle to a FSPDF_ATTACHMENT object which is an attachment object.
[out]documentPointer to a FSCRT_DOCUMENT handle that receives a handle of document object associated with the parameter attachment.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter document or attachment is NULL.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • attachment: this handle is short-term.
  • document: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_GetFileName ( FSPDF_ATTACHMENT  attachment,
FSCRT_BSTR fileName 

Get file name of an attachment.

[in]attachmentHandle to a FSPDF_ATTACHMENT object returned by function FSPDF_Attachments_GetAttachment.
[out]fileNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure that receives file name of the attachment. It would be in UTF-8 format.
If there is any error, FSCRT_BSTR::str will be set empty if it is not NULL while calling this function, and FSCRT_BSTR::len will be set 0.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter attachment or fileName is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if the function cannot get file name of attachment because of any other reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • attachment: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_GetModifiedDateTime ( FSPDF_ATTACHMENT  attachment,

Get the last modification date and time of an attachment.

[in]attachmentHandle to a FSPDF_ATTACHMENT object returned by function FSPDF_Attachments_GetAttachment.
[out]dtPointer to FSCRT_DATETIMEZONE structure that receives the last modification date and time.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter attachment or dt is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_FORMAT if last modification date and time of parameter attachment has a wrong format.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if the function cannot get modified date of attachment because of any other reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • attachment: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_GetSize ( FSPDF_ATTACHMENT  attachment,

Get the size of an attachment.

The size of an embedded attachment is in bytes.

[in]attachmentHandle to a FSPDF_ATTACHMENT object returned by function FSPDF_Attachments_GetAttachment.
[out]sizePointer to a FSCRT_FILESIZE object that receives the size of attachment. In order to keep forward compatibilities, use 64-bits here.
If there is any error, it will be set 0.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter attachment or size is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if the function cannot get size of attachment because of any other reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • attachment: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_IsEmbedded ( FSPDF_ATTACHMENT  attachment,
FS_BOOL embedded 

Check whether an attachment is an embedded file or not.

The PDF attachment can take either of two forms.

  • A simple file specification gives just the name of the target file in a standard format, independent of the naming conventions of any particular file system.
    It can take the form of either a string or a dictionary.
  • A full file specification includes information related to one or more specific file systems.
    It can only be represented as a dictionary.
[in]attachmentHandle to a FSPDF_ATTACHMENT object returned by function FSPDF_Attachments_GetAttachment.
[out]embeddedPointer to a FS_BOOL object that receives whether the attachment is an embedded file or not. If there is any error, it will be FALSE.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter attachment or embedded is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • attachment: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_Release ( FSCRT_DOCUMENT  document,

Release a attachment object.

[in]documentHandle to a FSCRT_DOCUMENT object which is a PDF document object. It should be valid.
[in]attachmentHandle to a FSPDF_ATTACHMENT object which is to be released, but this cannot be returned by function FSPDF_Attachments_GetAttachment.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter attachment is a NULL pointer.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
This function cannot be used to release the attachment object returned by function FSPDF_Attachments_GetAttachment.
Thread Safety: this function is not thread safe. Do not call it to process same objects between multi-threads, or the application should maintain thread safety when it needs to process same objects under multi-threaded environments.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • document: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • attachment: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_SetCheckSum ( FSPDF_ATTACHMENT  attachment,
const FSCRT_BSTR checksum 

Set the checksum of an attachment.

The checksum refers to checksum of the bytes of the uncompressed embedded file.
The checksum is calculated by applying the standard MD5 message-digest algorithm
(described in Internet RFC 1321, the MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm; see the Bibliography) to the bytes of the embedded file stream.

[in]attachmentHandle to a valid FSPDF_ATTACHMENT object which is a PDF attachment object.
[in]checksumPointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which specifies the checksum of the attachment.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter attachment or checksum is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDLICENSE if the current license is not authorized or setting checksum of attachment is not allowed.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if the function cannot set checksum of the attachment because of any other reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • attachment: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_SetCreationDateTime ( FSPDF_ATTACHMENT  attachment,

Set the creation date and time of an attachment.

The creation date represents when the attachment was created.

[in]attachmentHandle to a valid FSPDF_ATTACHMENT object which is a PDF attachment object.
[in]dtPointer to FSCRT_DATETIMEZONE structure which specifies the creation date.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter attachment or dt is a NULL pointer, or parameter dt is invalid.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDLICENSE if the current license is not authorized or setting creating date of attachment is not allowed.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if the function cannot set creation date of the attachment because of any other reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • attachment: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_SetDescription ( FSPDF_ATTACHMENT  attachment,
const FSCRT_BSTR description 

Set the description of an attachment.

Descriptive text associated with the attachment. It is used for files in the EmbeddedFiles name tree.

[in]attachmentHandle to a valid FSPDF_ATTACHMENT object which is a PDF attachment object.
[in]descriptionPointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which specifies the description of the attachment. It should be in UTF-8 format.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter attachment or description is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDLICENSE if the current license is not authorized or setting description of attachment is not allowed.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if the function cannot set the description of the attachment because of any other reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
For "FileAttachment" annotation, viewer applications should call function FSPDF_Annot_SetContents to set the descriptive text which relates to the attached file.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • attachment: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_SetFile ( FSPDF_ATTACHMENT  attachment,

Set the file of an attachment.

For attachment created by function FSPDF_Attachment_Create, this function is used to initialize the newly created attachment object before setting other properties of it.
For attachment got from PDF document, this function is used to set new file handle to this attachment.
ATTENTION: for initializing newly created attachment, only need to call one of functions FSPDF_Attachment_SetFileName or FSPDF_Attachment_SetFile.

[in]attachmentHandle to a valid FSPDF_ATTACHMENT object which is a PDF attachment object.
[in]fileHandle to a FSCRT_FILE object which specifies the embedded file.
This object cannot be released until attachment has been released for no use or attachment has been inserted to other object and document has been saved.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter attachment or file is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDLICENSE if the current license is not authorized or setting file to attachment is not allowed.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if the function cannot set file of the attachment because of any other reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • attachment: this handle is short-term.
  • file: this handle is long-term recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_SetFileName ( FSPDF_ATTACHMENT  attachment,
const FSCRT_BSTR fileName,

Set the file name of an attachment.

For attachment created by function FSPDF_Attachment_Create, this function is used to initialize the newly created attachment object before setting other properties of it.
For attachment got from PDF document, this function is used to set new file name to this attachment.
ATTENTION: for initializing newly created attachment, only need to call one of funcions FSPDF_Attachment_SetFileName or FSPDF_Attachment_SetFile.

[in]attachmentHandle to a valid FSPDF_ATTACHMENT object which is a PDF attachment object.
[in]fileNamePointer to a FSCRT_BSTR structure which specifies file name of the attachment. It should be in UTF-8 format.
[in]isURLA FS_BOOL that specifies whether the set file is a remote file.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter attachment or fileName is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDLICENSE if the current license is not authorized or setting file name of attachment is not allowed.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if the function cannot set file name of the attachment because of any other reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • attachment: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_SetModifiedDateTime ( FSPDF_ATTACHMENT  attachment,

Set the modification date of an attachment.

The modification date represents when the attachment was last modified.

[in]attachmentHandle to a valid FSPDF_ATTACHMENT object which is a PDF attachment object.
[in]dtPointer to FSCRT_DATETIMEZONE structure which specifies the modification date.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter attachment or dt is a NULL pointer, or parameter dt is invalid.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDLICENSE if the current license is not authorized or setting modification date of attachment is not allowed.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if the function cannot set modified date of the attachment because of any other reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • attachment: this handle is short-term.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Attachment_WriteToFile ( FSPDF_ATTACHMENT  attachment,

Write the attachment data directly into a file.

[in]attachmentHandle to a valid FSPDF_ATTACHMENT object which is a PDF attachment object.
[in]fileHandle to a FSCRT_FILE object.
When this function is called, it indicates the file that the attachment to be saved to.
When this function returns, it indicates to save the attachment to a file.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter attachment or file is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_FILE if the function cannot access parameter file.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if the function cannot save attachment to file because of any other reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is short-term.
  • attachment: this handle is short-term.
  • file: this handle is long-term recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FSPDF_OBJECT *  fontDictionary 

Get the dictionary of a font in a PDF document.

[in]fontHandle to a FSCRT_FONT object which should be a PDF font.A PDF font is the font actually used in the PDF document.
[in]documentHandle to a FSCRT_DOCUMENT object which is a PDF document object. It should be valid.
[out]fontDictionaryPointer to a FSPDF_OBJECT object that receives the dictionary of the font.
If there is any error, it will be NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter font, document or fontDictionary is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if the parameter document is not a valid PDF document type.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR for the other errors.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • document: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Font_IsEmbedded ( FSCRT_DOCUMENT  document,
FS_BOOL isEmbedded 

Check whether a font is embedded in a PDF document.

[in]fontHandle to a FSCRT_FONT object which is a PDF or non-PDF font.
[in]documentHandle to a FSCRT_DOCUMENT object which is a PDF document object. It should be valid.
[out]isEmbeddedPointer to a FS_BOOL object which indicates whether parameter font is embedded in PDF document or not. TRUE means parameter font is embedded in PDF document, otherwise it will be FALSE.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter font, document or isEmbedded is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDTYPE if the parameter document is not a valid PDF document type.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
:FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • document: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Font_IsSupportEmbedded ( FSCRT_DOCUMENT  document,
FS_BOOL isSupported 

Check whether all features of the font can be embedded to a specific PDF document or not.

Due to various reasons, it is hard to always ensure the appearance of characters will stay the same after its font is embedded to PDF document. So this function can be used to check whether the font can be fully embedded or not before calling function FSPDF_Doc_EmbedFont.

  • If parameter font is got from another PDF document (different from parameter document), not support to embed this font to current specific PDF document.
  • If parameter font has been embedded, it cannot be embedded again.
  • If parameter font is one of the 14 standard fonts, it cannot be embedded.
[in]documentHandle to a FSCRT_DOCUMENT object which is a PDF document object. It should be valid.
[in]fontHandle to a FSCRT_FONT object.
[out]isSupportedPointer to a FS_BOOL object that receives the result:
  • TRUE means parameter font can be embedded to parameter document;
  • FALSE means parameter font cannot be embedded to parameter document.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if document, font or isSupported is NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if an unrecoverable error occurs.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or invalid memory access.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if fail to judge font object for other reasons.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term unrecoverable.
  • document: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
  • font: this handle is long-term recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_Create ( FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT *  pdfRenderContext)

Create a PDF rendering context.

[out]pdfRenderContextPointer to a FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT handle that receives a new PDF rendering context object. If there is any error, it will be NULL.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter pdfRenderContext is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_INVALIDMODULE if PDF module is not initialized.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if the function cannot create the PDF render context for any reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
PDF rendering context is designed specially to ensure rendering PDF contents on rendering engine.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
  • pdfRenderContext: this handle is long-term recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_Release ( FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT  pdfRenderContext)

Release a PDF rendering context.

[in]pdfRenderContextHandle to a FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT object which is a PDF rendering context object.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter pdfRenderContext is a NULL pointer.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is not thread safe. Do not call it to process same objects between multi-threads, or the application should maintain thread safety when it needs to process same objects under multi-threaded environments.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
  • pdfRenderContext: this handle is long-term recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_SetFlags ( FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT  pdfRenderContext,
FS_DWORD  flags 

Set flags to a rendering context.

[in]pdfRenderContextHandle to a FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT object which is a PDF rendering context object.
[in]flagsRendering flags value. All undefined bits are omitted.
Please refer to macro definitions FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXTFLAG_XXX and this can be one or a combination of these macros.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter pdfRenderContext is a NULL pointer.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
  • pdfRenderContext: this handle is long-term recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_SetHalftoneLimit ( FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT  pdfRenderContext,
FS_INT32  halftoneLimit 

Set a halftone limit to a rendering context.

By default, Foxit PDF SDK displays all bitmaps using down-sampling, which means if an image is shrink onto the screen, only part of pixels will be picked and displayed. This saves a lot of calculation, especially for big images with millions of pixels. However the display quality will be bad.
In order to reach a balance between performance and quality, application can use this function to set a limit:
if the count of pixels in an image is more than this limit, then Foxit PDF SDK will use down-sampling for quick drawing;
otherwise, if the image has less pixels, Foxit PDF SDK will use halftone for better quality.

[in]pdfRenderContextHandle to a FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT object which is a PDF rendering context object.
[in]halftoneLimitA halftone limit to a FS_INT32 value.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter pdfRenderContext is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if the function cannot set the halftone limit into PDF render context for any reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
By default, halftone limit is 60M in the desktop platform.
If halftoneLimit which set by users is less than 60M, halftone limit is still 60M in the desktop platform.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
  • pdfRenderContext: this handle is long-term recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_SetLayerContext ( FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT  pdfRenderContext,

Set layer context to render context handle.

[in]pdfRenderContextHandle to a FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT object which is a PDF rendering context object.
[in]layerContextHandle to a FSPDF_LAYERCONTEXT object which is a PDF layer context object.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter pdfRenderContext or layerContext is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_UNRECOVERABLE if the function finds an unrecoverable error internally.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_ERROR if the function cannot set the layer context into PDF render context for any reason.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
In order to render one layer when to render PDF contents on a rendering context, user should call this function to set the layer context to render context.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe. OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
  • pdfRenderContext: this handle is long-term recoverable.
  • layerContext: this handle is long-term partially recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_SetMatrix ( FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT  pdfRenderContext,
const FSCRT_MATRIX matrix 

Set a transformation matrix to a rendering context.

[in]pdfRenderContextHandle to a FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT object which is a PDF rendering context object.
[in]matrixPointer to a FSCRT_MATRIX structure which gives a transformation matrix while rendering PDF contents.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter pdfRenderContext or matrix is a NULL pointer.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
  • pdfRenderContext: this handle is long-term recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_SetOption ( FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT  pdfRenderContext,
FS_DWORD  option,
FS_LPVOID  params 

Set option parameters to a rendering context.

[in]pdfRenderContextHandle to a FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT object which is a PDF rendering context object.
[in]optionA rendering option identity code to a FS_DWORD value. Please refer to macro definitions FSPDF_RENDEROPTION_XXX and this should be one of these macros.
[in]paramsPointer to FS_LPVOID object which indicates rendering parameters for parameter option.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_PARAM if the parameter pdfRenderContext or params is a NULL pointer.
FSCRT_ERRCODE_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory or if the memory access is wrong.
For more error codes, please refer to macro definitions FSCRT_ERRCODE_XXX.
Only structure FSPDF_RENDEROPTION_COLORMODE option can be used at present, and parameter params should point to a structure FSPDF_RENDEROPTIONPARAM_COLORMODE.
Thread Safety: this function is thread safe.
OOM Information:
OOM handling is only for mobile platforms, not for server or desktop.
  • This function is long-term recoverable.
  • pdfRenderContext: this handle is long-term recoverable.
Please refer to the document "Robust PDF Applications with Limited Memory" for more details.

Foxit Corporation