Deprecated List
Current structure has been deprecated with function FSPDF_Doc_SetActionHandler since Foxit PDF SDK 4.5. So, not recommend to use current structure any more. User can use structure FSPDF_JAVASCRIPTACTION_HANDLER instead.
Member FSPDF_Doc_EnumAllPageSize (FSCRT_DOCUMENT document, FSPDF_ENUMPAGESIZEHANDLER *enumHandler)
Current function has been deprecated since Foxit PDF SDK 4.5. So, not recommend to use current function any more. User can use function FSPDF_Doc_EnumPagesInfo instead.
Member FSPDF_Doc_SetActionHandler (FSCRT_DOCUMENT document, FSPDF_ACTION_HANDLER *actionHandler)
Current function has been deprecated since Foxit PDF SDK 4.5. So, not recommend to use current function any more. User can use function FSPDF_Doc_SetJavaScriptActionHandler instead.
Current structure has been deprecated with function :: FSPDF_Doc_EnumAllPageSize, since Foxit PDF SDK 4.5. So, not recommend to use current structure any more. User can use structure FSPDF_ENUMPAGEINFOHANDLER instead.
Current macro definition has been deprecated , since Foxit PDF SDK 5.1. So, not recommend to use it to function FSPDF_RenderContext_SetFlags any more.
Member FSPDF_TextPage_GetNextCharIndexByDirection (FSPDF_TEXTPAGE textPage, FS_INT32 curIndex, FS_INT32 direction, FS_INT32 *nextIndex)
Current function has been deprecated since Foxit PDF SDK 4.3. So, not recommend to use current function any more.
Module Macro Definitions for Text Direction Flags

Current macro definitions have been deprecated with function FSPDF_TextPage_GetNextCharIndexByDirection, since Foxit PDF SDK 4.3. So, not recommend to use current function any more.

Module Macro Definitions for Text Direction Flags

Current macro definitions have been deprecated with function FSPDF_TextPage_GetNextCharIndexByDirection, since Foxit PDF SDK 4.3. So, not recommend to use current function any more.

Foxit Corporation