fpdf_page_w.h File Reference

Header file for PDF Page module of Foxit PDF SDK. More...

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Macro Definitions for Flatten Option
These are used for indicating the option of flatten.
 Flatten contents for displaying and it can be combined with any flags except FSPDF_FLATTENFLAG_PRINT.
 Flatten contents for printing and it can be combined with any flags except FSPDF_FLATTENFLAG_DISPLAY. More...
 Flatten contents without annotations except widget annotations and it should be combined with FSPDF_FLATTENFLAG_PRINT or FSPDF_FLATTENFLAG_DISPLAY.
 Flatten contents without form controls and it should be combined with FSPDF_FLATTENFLAG_PRINT or FSPDF_FLATTENFLAG_DISPLAY.


FS_RESULT FSPDF_Page_SetIndex (FSCRT_PAGE page, FS_INT32 index)
 Change page index of a PDF page. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Page_SetSize (FSCRT_PAGE page, FS_FLOAT width, FS_FLOAT height)
 Set page size. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Page_SetRotation (FSCRT_PAGE page, FS_INT32 rotation)
 Set page rotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Page_SetBox (FSCRT_PAGE page, FS_INT32 boxType, const FSCRT_RECTF *pageBox)
 Set page box which is a rectangle type of value. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Page_SetAction (FSCRT_PAGE page, FS_INT32 trigger, FS_INT32 index, const FSPDF_ACTIONDATA *actionData)
 Set a page trigger action. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Page_InsertAction (FSCRT_PAGE page, FS_INT32 trigger, FS_INT32 index, const FSPDF_ACTIONDATA *actionData)
 Insert a page trigger action. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Page_RemoveAction (FSCRT_PAGE page, FS_INT32 trigger, FS_INT32 index)
 Remove a page trigger action. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Page_RemoveAllActions (FSCRT_PAGE page, FS_INT32 trigger)
 Remove all trigger actions of a PDF page. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Page_Transform (FSCRT_PAGE page, const FSCRT_MATRIX *matrix, FS_BOOL needTransformClipPath)
 Transform a PDF page, including the annotations and form fields on the page. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Page_SetClipRect (FSCRT_PAGE page, const FSCRT_RECTF *clipRect)
 Set clip rectangle for all page objects on PDF page. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Page_Create (FSCRT_DOCUMENT document, FS_INT32 index, FSCRT_PAGE *page)
 Create a new page to a position specified by the index. More...
 Delete a page from document. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Page_Flatten (FSCRT_PAGE page, FS_DWORD flags)
 Flatten a PDF page, and annotations or form fields will be made to be a part of the page contents. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Page_SetThumbnail (FSCRT_PAGE page, FSCRT_BITMAP thumbnail)
 Set a thumbnail bitmap to a page. More...

Detailed Description

Header file for PDF Page module of Foxit PDF SDK.

Copyright (C) 2003-2016, Foxit Software Inc.. All Rights Reserved.


The following code is copyrighted and contains proprietary information and trade secrets of Foxit Software Inc.. You cannot distribute any part of Foxit PDF SDK to any third party or general public, unless there is a separate license agreement with Foxit Software Inc. which explicitly grants you such rights.

This header file provides direct access to PDF page.
It contains:

  • 1. Set PDF page attributes.
  • 2. Modify PDF page trigger actions.
  • 3. Page edition: create, delete and flatten.
If you want to purchase Foxit PDF SDK license and use ANY of the following functions, please request for enabling Edit Add-on explicitly.

Foxit Corporation