fpdf_annot_r.h File Reference

Header file for PDF Annotation module of Foxit PDF SDK. More...

Go to the source code of this file.


 Structure for annotation icon fit. More...
 Structure for annotation border. More...


Macro Definitions for Annotation Types
Annotation types are used as parameter like filter or type in some functions.
 Text annotation, markup type.
 Link annotation.
 Free text annotation, markup type.
 Line annotation, markup type.
 Square annotation, markup type.
 Circle annotation, markup type.
 Polygon annotation, markup type.
 Polyline annotation, markup type.
 Highlight annotation, markup type.
 Underline annotation, markup type.
 Squiggly-underline annotation, markup type.
 Strikeout annotation, markup type.
 Rubber stamp annotation, markup type.
 Caret annotation, markup type.
 Ink annotation, markup type.
 Pop-up annotation.
 File attachment annotation, markup type.
 Sound annotation, markup type. More...
 Movie annotation. More...
 Widget annotation. More...
 Screen annotation. More...
 Printer's mark annotation. More...
 Trap network annotation. More...
 Watermark annotation. More...
 Pressure Sensitive Ink annotation. Currently not support. More...
#define FSPDF_ANNOTTYPE_3D   "3D"
 3D annotation. More...
Macro Definitions for Annotation Flags
 Annotation flag: invisible.
 Annotation flag: hidden.
#define FSPDF_ANNOTFLAG_PRINT   0x0004
 Annotation flag: print.
 Annotation flag: no zoom.
 Annotation flag: no rotate.
 Annotation flag: no view.
 Annotation flag: read only.
 Annotation flag: locked.
 Annotation flag: toggle no view.
 Annotation flag: locked contents.
Macro Definitions for Icon Names
 Note icon type: Checkmark.
 Note icon type: Circle.
 Note icon type: Comment.
 Note icon type: Cross.
 Note icon type: Help.
 Note icon type: Insert.
 Note icon type: Key.
 Note icon type: New Paragraph.
 Note icon type: Note.
 Note icon type: Paragraph.
 Note icon type: Right Arrow.
 Note icon type: Right Pointer.
 Note icon type: Star.
 Note icon type: Up Arrow.
 Note icon type: Up-left Arrow.
 File attachment icon type: Graph.
 File attachment icon type: PaperClip.
 File attachment icon type: PushPin.
 File attachment icon type: Tag.
 Stamp annotation icon type: Approved.
 Stamp annotation icon type: AsIs.
 Stamp annotation icon type: Confidential.
 Stamp annotation icon type: Departmental.
 Stamp annotation icon type: Draft.
 Stamp annotation icon type: Experimental.
 Stamp annotation icon type: Expired.
 Stamp annotation icon type: Final.
 Stamp annotation icon type: ForComment.
 Stamp annotation icon type: ForPublicRelease.
 Stamp annotation icon type: NotApproved.
 Stamp annotation icon type: NotForPublicRelease.
 Stamp annotation icon type: Sold.
 Stamp annotation icon type: TopSecret.
 Sound annotation icon type: Speaker.
 Sound annotation icon type: Mic.
Macro Definitions for Intent Names
 FreeText annotation intent name: FreeTextCallout.
 FreeText annotation intent name: FreeTextTypewriter.
 Line annotation intent name: LineArrow.
 Line annotation intent name: LineDimension.
 Polygon annotation intent name: PolygonCloud.
 Polygon annotation intent name: PolygonDimension.
 PolyLine annotation intent name: PolyLineDimension.
Macro Definitions for Line Ending Styles
 Line annotation ending style name: None.
 Line annotation ending style name: Square.
 Line annotation ending style name: Circle.
 Line annotation ending style name: Diamond.
 Line annotation ending style name: OpenArrow.
 Line annotation ending style name: ClosedArrow.
 Line annotation ending style name: Butt.
 Line annotation ending style name: ROpenArrow.
 Line annotation ending style name: RClosedArrow.
 Line annotation ending style name: Slash.
Macro Definitions for Highlighting Modes
 Highlighting mode: None.
 Highlighting mode: Invert.
 Highlighting mode: Outline.
 Highlighting mode: Push.
 Highlighting mode: Toggle. More...
Macro Definitions for Border Style
 Border style: Solid.
 Border style: Dashed.
 Border style: Underline.
 Border style: Beveled.
 Border style: Inset.
 Border style: Cloudy.
Macro Definitions for Icon Fit Flags
 Icon fit flag: Scale way.
 Icon fit flag: Aspect ratio.
 Icon fit flag: Set position.
 Icon fit flag: Fit boundaries.
Macro Definitions for Icon Scale Way
 A: Always scale.
 B: Scale only when icon is bigger than annotation rectangle.
 S: Scale only when icon is smaller than annotation rectangle.
 N: Never scale.
Macro Definitions for Entries in Appearance Characteristics (MK)
 Entry of appearance characteristics dictionary: R.
 Entry of appearance characteristics dictionary: BC.
 Entry of appearance characteristics dictionary: BG.
 Entry of appearance characteristics dictionary: CA, only for widget annotation with any button fields.
 Entry of appearance characteristics dictionary: RC, only for widget annotation with pushbutton fields.
 Entry of appearance characteristics dictionary: AC, only for widget annotation with pushbutton fields.
 Entry of appearance characteristics dictionary: I, only for widget annotation with pushbutton fields.
 Entry of appearance characteristics dictionary: RI, only for widget annotation with pushbutton fields.
 Entry of appearance characteristics dictionary: IX, only for widget annotation with pushbutton fields.
 Entry of appearance characteristics dictionary: IF, only for widget annotation with pushbutton fields.
 Entry of appearance characteristics dictionary: TP, only for widget annotation with pushbutton fields.
Macro Definition for Annotation State Model
 State model is marked.
 State model is review.
Macro Definition for Annotation Marked State

These are meaningful when state model is FSPDF_ANNOTSTATEMODEL_MARKED.

 The state of marked model is marked.
 The state of marked model is unmarked.
 The state of review model is accepted.
 The state of review model is rejected.
 The state of review model is canceled.
 The state of review model is completed.
 The state of review model is none.


 Load annotations from a PDF page. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Page_UnloadAnnots (FSCRT_PAGE page)
 Unload annotations of a PDF page. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetCount (FSCRT_PAGE page, const FSCRT_BSTR *filter, FS_INT32 *count)
 Get count of annotations, by specific filter. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_Get (FSCRT_PAGE page, const FSCRT_BSTR *filter, FS_INT32 index, FSCRT_ANNOT *annot)
 Get annotation with specified index, by specific filter. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetAtPos (FSCRT_PAGE page, const FSCRT_BSTR *filter, FS_FLOAT x, FS_FLOAT y, FS_FLOAT tolerance, FSCRT_ANNOT *annot)
 Get annotation at a specific position in PDF page, by specific filter. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetAtDevicePos (FSCRT_PAGE page, const FSCRT_BSTR *filter, const FSCRT_MATRIX *matrix, FS_INT32 x, FS_INT32 y, FS_INT32 tolerance, FSCRT_ANNOT *annot)
 Get annotation at a specific position in device (in pixel), by specific filter. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetIndex (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, const FSCRT_BSTR *filter, FS_INT32 *index)
 Get index of a specific annotation, by specific filter. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetAllByTabOrder (FSCRT_PAGE page, const FSCRT_BSTR *filter, FSCRT_ANNOT *annotArray, FS_INT32 *count)
 Get annotations by tab order, with specific filter (except pop-up annotation). More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetType (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FSCRT_BSTR *annotType)
 Get type of an annotation. More...
 Get rectangle of an annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetDeviceRect (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_BOOL bTransformIcon, const FSCRT_MATRIX *matrix, FSCRT_RECT *deviceRect)
 Get rectangle of an annotation in device coordinations. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetFlags (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_DWORD *flags)
 Get flags of an annotation. More...
 Get name of an annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetContents (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FSCRT_BSTR *contents)
 Get contents of an annotation. More...
 Get border of an annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetColor (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_BOOL isFillColor, FS_ARGB *color)
 Get fill or border color of an annotation. More...
 Get modification time of an annotation. More...
 Get creation time of a markup annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetSubject (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FSCRT_BSTR *subject)
 Get subject of a markup annotation. More...
 Get title of a markup annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetOpacity (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_FLOAT *opacity)
 Get opacity of a markup annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetIntent (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FSCRT_BSTR *intent)
 Get intent of a markup annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetOpenStatus (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_BOOL *isOpen)
 Get open status of a text or pop-up annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetIconName (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FSCRT_BSTR *iconName)
 Get icon name of an annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetAlignment (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_INT32 *alignment)
 Get alignment of a free text annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetHighlightingMode (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_INT32 *hlMode)
 Get highlighting mode of a link or widget annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetQuadPoints (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FSCRT_QUADPOINTSF *quadPoints, FS_INT32 *count)
 Get quadrilaterals points of an annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetCalloutLinePoints (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_FLOAT *x1, FS_FLOAT *y1, FS_FLOAT *x2, FS_FLOAT *y2, FS_FLOAT *x3, FS_FLOAT *y3)
 Get callout line points of a free text annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetInnerRectMargin (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_FLOAT *left, FS_FLOAT *top, FS_FLOAT *right, FS_FLOAT *bottom)
 Get the margin between inner rectangle and rectangle of an annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetLineEndingStyles (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FSCRT_BSTR *startingStyle, FSCRT_BSTR *endingStyle)
 Get line ending styles of an annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetLinePosition (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_FLOAT *x1, FS_FLOAT *y1, FS_FLOAT *x2, FS_FLOAT *y2)
 Get line position of a line annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetLeaderLineLength (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_FLOAT *length)
 Get leader line length of a line annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetLeaderLineExtension (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_FLOAT *extLength)
 Get leader line extension of a line annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetLeaderLineOffset (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_FLOAT *offset)
 Get leader line offset of a line annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_HasCaptionContents (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_BOOL *hasCap)
 Check if there is a caption to a line annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetCaptionPosition (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FSCRT_BSTR *captionPos)
 Get caption position of a line annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetCaptionOffset (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_FLOAT *offsetx, FS_FLOAT *offsety)
 Get caption offset of a line annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetVertices (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_FLOAT *vertices, FS_INT32 *count)
 Get vertices of a polygon or polyline annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetSymbol (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FSCRT_BSTR *symbol)
 Get symbol of a caret annotation. More...
 Get ink list data of an ink annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetAttachment (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FSPDF_ATTACHMENT *attachment)
 Get attachment of a file attachment annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetDefaultAppearance (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FSPDF_DEFAULTAPPEARANCE *defAppearance)
 Get default appearance of a free text annotation, which can be used in formatting text. More...
 Get icon fit of a widget annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_HasMKEntry (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_INT32 mkEntry, FS_BOOL *hasEntry)
 Check if specific entry is in MK dictionary. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetMKRotation (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_INT32 *degree)
 Get rotation (the number of degrees) in MK dictionary. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetMKColor (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_INT32 mkEntry, FS_ARGB *color)
 Get color of specific type in MK dictionary. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetMKCaption (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_INT32 mkEntry, FSCRT_BSTR *caption)
 Get caption of a specific type in MK dictionary. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetMKIconBitmap (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_INT32 mkEntry, FSCRT_BITMAP *bitmap)
 Get icon bitmap of specific icon type in MK dictionary. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetFormControl (FSCRT_ANNOT widgetAnnot, FSPDF_FORMCONTROL *formControl)
 Get a PDF form control from a widget annotation handle. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetDict (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FSPDF_OBJECT *dictionary)
 Get the dictionary of an annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_CountStateAnnots (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_INT32 stateModel, FS_INT32 *count)
 Count specific state annotations associated with a markup annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetStateAnnot (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_INT32 stateModel, FS_INT32 index, FSCRT_ANNOT *stateAnnot)
 Get specified state annotation associated with a markup annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetState (FSCRT_ANNOT stateAnnot, FS_INT32 *stateModel, FS_INT32 *state)
 Get state model and state out of a state text annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_IsGrouped (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_BOOL *isGrouped)
 Check whether an annotation is in a group. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetGroupHeader (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FSCRT_ANNOT *groupHeader)
 Get header annotation of a group, to which an annotation belongs. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetGroupElements (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FSCRT_ANNOT *elements, FS_INT32 *count)
 Get group elements if annotation is in a group, including itself. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_CountReplies (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_INT32 *count)
 Count replies of a markup annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetReply (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_INT32 index, FSCRT_ANNOT *replyAnnot)
 Get reply with specifies index of a markup annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetPopup (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FSCRT_ANNOT *popupAnnot)
 Get a pop-up annotation from a specific markup annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_CountActions (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_INT32 trigger, FS_INT32 *count)
 Count actions associated with an annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_Annot_GetAction (FSCRT_ANNOT annot, FS_INT32 trigger, FS_INT32 index, FSPDF_ACTIONDATA *actionData)
 Get action data of specific index associated with an annotation. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_StartAnnots (FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT pdfRenderContext, FSCRT_RENDERER renderer, const FSCRT_ANNOT *annots, FS_INT32 count, FSCRT_PROGRESS *renderProgress)
 Render annotations on render context. More...
FS_RESULT FSPDF_RenderContext_StartPageAnnots (FSPDF_RENDERCONTEXT pdfRenderContext, FSCRT_RENDERER renderer, FSCRT_PAGE page, FSCRT_PROGRESS *renderProgress)
 Render all annotations of a page on render context. More...

Detailed Description

Header file for PDF Annotation module of Foxit PDF SDK.

Copyright (C) 2003-2016, Foxit Software Inc.. All Rights Reserved.


The following code is copyrighted and contains proprietary information and trade secrets of Foxit Software Inc.. You cannot distribute any part of Foxit PDF SDK to any third party or general public, unless there is a separate license agreement with Foxit Software Inc. which explicitly grants you such rights.

This header file defines PDF annotation supports, mainly about "reading" methods.
It contains:

  • 1. Load or unload annotations from a PDF page.
  • 2. Enumerate annotations.
  • 3. Get common properties of annotations.
  • 4. Supports to markup annotations.
  • 5. Get annotation trigger actions.
  • 6. Render annotations.

Special attention:

  • For watermark annotation, user should use functions in PDF Watermark module for most operations of watermark.
  • For PSInk annotation, user should use function FSCRT_PSI_ConvertToPDFAnnot in Pressure Sensitive Ink to generate a PSInk annotation from a PSI object.
  • For Sound, Movie, Screen, PrinterMark, TrapNet and 3D annotations, currently Foxit PDF SDK provides common access to them and their basic properties, not support access to their data.
  • For annotation which is not defined in PDF Reference but consists of some standard annotations, it will be treated as different standard annotations. If user wants to treat these standard annotations as one special annotation, user should do this in application layer.
If you want to purchase Foxit PDF SDK license and use ANY of the following functions, please request for enabling Annotation Add-on or Form Add-on explicitly.

Foxit Corporation